pagan;118834 wrote:The thing that gets me though is that the conception of a code in information theory is itself a very specialised use of language.
I know this will come as a surprise, but every language or communication protocol from animal, plant, human, genetics, extra terrestrial... they all may be described by the protocols of information theory.
All communications from Pig Latin, to Bee Waggles, Smoke Signals to the old Wink and Nod must run through the protocols set forth by Claude Shannon's Mathematical Theory of Communication. If something cannot run through the protocol, then it is not a language and it cannot communicate anything.
pagan;118834 wrote:The concept of small talk for example. It doesn't really fit information theory.
You've mistaken what Information Theory is. Info Theory does not care what the content of data is whatsoever. The subject matter is irrelevant. Info Theory is a system of mathematics that describes the efficiency of communication to expect from what level of language (code), transmitter, receiver, redundancy, error correction, noise filter, in comparison to the amount of information entropy present in any given communication.
For example. Small talk can take place with a minimal language of facial expressions or hand signs when two people are close together. A very low degree of entropy is present. But these languages would be impossible with a radio transmission over a mountain ridge calling for a bomb strike in the midst of a loud and heated battle. A much greater degree of information entropy is present and thus a much more communication pipeline and language must be used. Info Theory is just math that figures all that out for any given situation. But in every situation, it depends upon some form of code.
pagan;118834 wrote:Nor does internal thought come to that.
No internal thought can exist without a code to think that thought upon. Some people think in words, some think in pictures. But either way, a system of symbols has been establish to represent the thought to the thinker. As we discussed before, in this case, the same person is both the transmitter and receiver. Pure experiential awareness is different than thinking. Thinking occurs when that experiential awareness is codified into an internal picture or word (words are pictures of concepts) and those signals transduced into brainwaves for reception.
It is important to note that a word/picture concept of an object... is
not the object. You know this. But the word/picture does indeed represent the object. The representation of the object is what allows me to think about it.
The first sunrise... Pure experiential awareness is upon us. Without getting a picture of it in our minds we cannot possibly think about it. The more words we use to describe it, the more thinking takes place.
First it's bright, then round, then yellow, then moving across the sky as a chariot of the gods who live beneath the southern mountain ridge and desire to impregnate the daughters of Matt before the moon takes the night. Yep, too many words can cause too much thinking. How many religions were born this way?
pagan;118834 wrote:Transmitting and recieving from what to what for what information purpose? Information theory is a very simple logical machine like definition of language. Language as a code for information transmission.
Yes that's right. Info Theory does not care about purpose. Stock Brokers, School Teachers, SETI and Sports Agents provide the purpose. It's just a tool to describe the efficiencies of communication protocols in any desired industry. Smoke signals suffer from the entropy of mountain ranges and air quality the same as Ethernet suffers from the entropy of electricity and bad cables. Info Theory defines the minimum necessities for each protocol to work efficiently.
Info Theory cannot tell you about the poetry. It can only tell you the minimal requirements necessary for the poetry to be transmitted from you to me.
pagan;118834 wrote:it is interesting that such an instinctive rationalist (even scientific) conception of language could potentially cause such major problems for a fundamental materialistic theory, ie darwinian evolution.
We take language for granted. Written language is only 8000 years old and spoken language only 30,000 years. And when you say, "darwinian evolution", do you mean "classic" or "neo" or "neo-neo 2.0"? Point being, that Info Theory has not presented any problems for Evolution. It has raised a few concerns for hard materialism. But without Information Theory, DNA Transcription would never have been understood or defined. It would only have been observed. Information Theory is a friend of Evolution Theory. It helps us to understand it better sans the dogma of those who cling to concepts of Random Mutation. Darwin never mentioned Random Mutation... ever. Random Mutation is dogma. Info Theory challenges that dogma and enlightens us to understand Evolution much better.
pagan;118834 wrote:Perry Marshall insists that his theory is refutable by finding just one code in nature not created by a mind.
A very reasonable challenge. I cannot find one, and believe me I've tried.
pagan;118834 wrote:DNA has not been demonstrated as such, even though it is widely believed by those who support darwinian evolution.
We cannot pursue legitimate science by arguing from the negative position. It's like saying "you can't disprove god". Why should I trust supporters of anything that's never once been empirically demonstrated? Thus the veil of the Darwinian religion is exposed. To believe in something that has never been shown to happen. The materialist becomes a parody of the religious fanatic they once mocked.
pagan;118834 wrote:He of course rejects possible mechanisms for it, he wants actual physical examples.
Well yeah... Isn't that what the skeptic wants from the religi? And what possible mechanisms are you speaking of? I know of no possible or potential mechanisms that have not been soundly refuted as fantasy, yet would be very interested in seeing one. No really, I'd really love to know about one.
pagan;118834 wrote:...but as he is honest enough to point out, his own conclusion is itself based upon induction.
What's wrong with induction? Science uses induction all the time.
pagan;118834 wrote: ie there is no example of a code that is not directly or indirectly created by a life form ...... therefore dna is directly or indirectly created by an intelligence until proven otherwise.
Yes, that's a perfect inductive argument.
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefor Socrates is mortal.
All codes have sentient authors.
DNA is a code.
Therefor DNA is sentient authored.
One empirical example of an immortal man or a code without an author will be a sufficient black swan. How long do we allow black swans to hold back progress when we could be pursuing truth based upon what is known and verified a billion times a day since life arose on this planet.
pagan;118834 wrote: similarly, there is no evidence that dna does not follow the laws of materiality ....... therefore dna was created by materiality.
Circular argument from the negative position. There is no evidence that God did not create the universe... therefor God created the universe.
Absolute Rubbish. Neither one of us could possibly let the other get away with that. PM makes a reasonable request to shoot down his theory. Shall we be unreasonable in answering him?
pagan;118834 wrote:Intelligent design is thus redundant until proven to exist in the process.
What proof do you want? You have infinite examples of sentient authored code all around you. Not one example of any mechanism to produce natural code in all of history. What exactly do you want for proof?
OK, I know that some won't be satisfied until the genuine actual author knocked on their door and said hello. I have a feeling there would still be many who wanted proof that was actually the genuine author.
Inference is a common tool for empirical science. We infer a relationship between tree rings and growing season. We infer a relationship between piano keys and strings. We infer relationships between gravity and balls falling. We infer relationships in practically everything. Shall we blind ourselves to the most obvious inference in all of recorded history???
I infer a relationship between codes and authors. Anybody got a problem with that?
pagan;118834 wrote: For me there is a possible flaw in Perry Marshal's argument.
I am very interested to see any flaws in this argument. I've seen a few myself, but mostly they revolve around his religious interpretations.
pagan;118834 wrote:Darwinians claim that most if not all the dna created on earth on a daily basis is indeed created by material life forms. In that sense IT IS intelligent design. BUT the point they make is that in the dim distant past dna was created through chemistry and physics, not biology.
The most compelling paper I've seen on this subject is "A Hypothetical Pathway"
SpringerLink - Journal Article
The most common theory suggests that RNA actually came first... the problem of which is that DNA makes RNA. The proto ribosomes needed to make this possible don't even exist. Labs have been able to replicate one of them, but I personally don't believe a synthetic ribosome will ever suffice.
It is important to note that the author himself begs the reader to make "a formidable conceptual leap" and hauntingly pleas at the end that if research could provide more evidence for this theory then "a final resort to an intelligent designer could be avoided".
This research is the last holdout for the hard materialist. The author clearly states that A Hypothetical Pathway "is not intended to represent reality". That's why it's called A Hypothetical Pathway. It attempts to create information out of nothing.
Which is the more elegant solution, in the spirit of parsimony, Information from nothing (when it's never been shown to happen), or Information from a sentient author (when it happens a billion times every second). Tough decision.
pagan;118834 wrote:Once the first biological creatures were created out of physics and chemistry.......
Sounds like the beginning to a fairy tale.
pagan;118834 wrote:...then all subsequent dna life forms were indeed a product of design.
Science wants one free miracle. They can explain anything to everyone after they get their one free miracle...
read Singularity.
pagan;118834 wrote:All codes known to man at the moment are indeed produced by life forms.
A reasonable statement.
pagan;118834 wrote:That is to be expected within darwinian evolution, if the original chemical event was extremely rare.
How can an event that's never been demonstrated garner the title of "extremely rare". Extremely rare describes that which is known to happen, the mechanism is understood, it has repeated itself at least twice, and there is some observation to support the claim.
What you speak of deserves the title of "impossible" until someone can demonstrate otherwise. Thinking otherwise requires a great deal of faith. Faith in a God that's never been seen.
pagan;118834 wrote: Its like information suddenly popped into existence through the almost infinite complexity of chemistry ...... survived, and then multiplied. I don't go along with this argument, but i can't refute it.
Believe me, you can refute it. Just like I do. You would refute me if I told you that I'm an alien on a faraway planet called Zeeblezenumbquay. You have no way to disprove this. With you accept it just because I claim it?
We cannot pursue science, reason, logic and philosophy by arguing from the negative position. Science moves forward with the positive position. And all codes have thus far been positively linked to sentient authors.
pagan;118834 wrote: Then again even though i don't go along with Perry Marshall, i can't refute him either.
Well there it is.
pagan;118834 wrote: The more sophisticated mathematical analysis of information theory that might relate the complexity of physics and chemistry to the information complexity of biology would be more persuasive as showing darwinian evolution as flawed, but even that doesn't necessarily make Perry Marshall correct.
Info Theory does not flaw evolution. It helps us understand it better. Info Theory illustrates the past flawed thinking of Random Mutation... and that's all. Very natural for new knowledge to suffer a whirlwind of inductive reasoning mixed with egotistical speculation. We're just people... of course we're skeptical and gullible at the same time. I hope one day we can simple accept where the evidential truth leads us.