@Mr Fight the Power,
Yeah, Mr. fight. I hear ya. The more big brother gets into the affairs of the private sector, the less freedoms or privileges we will have. I can respect that. I think this is a broader issue than just the used car crooks and the lemon law.
To those who are thinking of purchasing a used vehicle, even though the dealership advertises quality and reasonable prices, the "as-is" tag on the car should bring up a red flag. They put it on there for a reason. They have excused themselves from accountability and responsibility. They are, responsibly, irresponsible. Legally, illegal, and honestly, dishonest.
I feel as though, if we are going to protect our free enterprise and capitalistic form of government, which has worked in the past, and is probably the only reasonable form of government, then we need to return back to the days when we were responsible for what we do. Accountable for the services we provide. If we do not want "big brother" to babysit us, then we need to grow up a little. If we want independence, then we need to continue to earn independence. One of the ways to earn independence, is to be able to count on the integrity of each other. We simply need to be responsible enough to provide goods and services with the intent of giving another value for their hard earned money. If we don't, and we continue to abuse our free enterprise system, then big brother will eventually raise his ugly head. I think I smell him already.