Exceptions to the rule.

Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 07:42 pm
Theaetetus wrote:
I wasn't putting words into your mouth. I was interpreting your post. Thus the line "From my reading." I did forget to add "I think" before "he is saying" so I can understand where the confusion originated. If you don't want people trying to interpret what you are saying, then write clearer.

How is my line "All rich people are greedy a$$holes" any more harsh or judgmental than your lines "There is no excuse for such piggery!" or "End poverty and hunger, eat the rich." Not to mention, I am defending certain rich people so you are just as guilty of misreading my words, as I am yours. But you have added a new dimension, judging my character based on your interpretation of my words. But this is not the only instance you have done this on this forum, as I have seen numerous posts that you berate others for their character based on what they write or believe. Nice to see you hold yourself to lower standards than you expect out of others.

Now, now boys. To quote that great philosopher from the streets of Los Angeles, Rodnoid King. Can't we all just get along?Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:14 pm
Sure, make it look like it is me that is the only one causing the issue. I am sick and tired of this member berating others for their viewpoint that he disagrees with, and calling out others for doing one thing, and then doing the same thing himself. I have no problems with getting along with others I will never agree with, but to call me out for misreading a post, and then the same member to misread mine, and do the exact thing that twisted his panties in the same post is ridiculous. For someone that is all about perspective based truth, nameless has a sore spot for anyone that wholly disagrees with him.

I continually have stuck up for users that "nameless" has harassed for holding viewpoints he disagrees with no matter how much I disagree with those users. This is only another example of that pattern.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:29 pm
What exactly do we mean by "rule" here?
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:36 pm
nerdfiles wrote:
What exactly do we mean by "rule" here?

Rich people are greedy a$$holes.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:52 pm
That seems like less a rule while more an evaluation. Is there an actual philosophical problem here, or are we merely reflecting and commenting on what we take to be a cultural quirk?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:59 pm
The philosophical problem is whether all rich people are greedy a$$holes. This is the uncategorized philosophy forum so the topic is perfectly valid, and the merely reflective and commentative posts have been rather on topic--surprisingly enough.
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:11 pm
Theaetetus wrote:
The philosophical problem is whether all rich people are greedy a$$holes. This is the uncategorized philosophy forum so the topic is perfectly valid, and the merely reflective and commentative posts have been rather on topic.

I think the question of what is "valid" is a mug's game. I think all is fair in philosophizing; so I'd never make the point of saying what is or is not valid. All that matters is that we have a precise formulation of the problem at hand. Though, I've yet to see a problem presented here that cannot be shrugged off as opinion (comment and reflection).

Naturally, the form "All Fs are Gs" is always suspicious if it is not analytically true. Thus, it seems that we can do no better than dabble in opinion and "comment and reflection" here, seeing as how the proposition under investigation is an empirical one (anthropological, to be specific) that concerns the concept of "greed" and "wealth."

It would seem that you merely talk past each other when you try to take these empirically grounded terms (which is to say, they have meaning under your own finite anthropological investigations) and pit them against others as you understand them in order to persuade. What is their to persuade about your sense of "harshness in judgment" when your empirical grounding and personal taste together constitute the quality and magnitude of your position?

It seems like you are each caught in an argument of whether someone is running "fast," "really fast," or "maximally fast." What are these terms if not mere evaluations? It's not a matter of whether my "maximally fast" is your "really fast"; it's a matter of whether these terms can be argued for as if they were objective. Can we do this with language? What exactly is the frustration and tension between you two? (Outside of the mere character flaw.)
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:23 pm
It's not a matter of whether my "maximally fast" is your "really fast"; it's a matter of whether these terms can be argued for as if they were objective. Can we do this with language?

Perhaps this question can be contained within a thread you would be willing to make?

I hear you hinting at this "language game" all too often, and I'm quite fascinated. Of course, this is merely my evaluation -- my apologies for not arguing this through an objective lens Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:27 pm
nerdfiles wrote:
IWhat is their to persuade about your sense of "harshness in judgment" when your empirical grounding and personal taste together constitute the quality and magnitude of your position?

Now, wait just a goll dern minute here. Did I see a spelling error ?Is it their or there? I'm tellin ya I think i did see a spelling error, and I for one am appalled by it. Bailiff! Had to change that.:whistling: as to not be yelling. Sorry.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:28 pm
Feel lucky that others have enticed me to my limit on my "no thanks" for the day. Wait until tomorrow... may be I will go back and revoke one of them just to make a demerit against your reputation. I could care less what school of philosophy your tend to favor, but seriously, you need to learn on this site that if want to be a constructive participant, you have to let people argue for what they find important, or just may plain old feel like arguing for. If you do not like the thread, then don't participate in it. It is a lesson that I have learn that allows me to survive here, and I recommend you learn the same lesson. You may think that you are smarter than everyone here, and not see the value in certain discussions, but this thread (other than that pointless exchange of nonsense between me and nameless by him figuring that others should be held to grander standards than he holds himself) has plenty of valid reasons for argument. If you do not agree with these reasons, go find other trees to bark up and stir problems within. Just because you think philosophy has other reasons of existence than what you witness in this thread does not mean that you have valid purposes of stirring up sh!t where it doesn't exist. We are questioning whether all rich people are greedy a$$holes. If you find this a pointless discussion then go away. No one asked you to participate, and if all you do is question the motive for the argument, go find a different tree to find sh!t within.
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:50 pm
Theaetetus wrote:
Feel lucky that others have enticed me to my limit on my "no thanks" for the day. Wait until tomorrow... may be I will go back and revoke one of them just to make a demerit against your reputation. I could care less what school of philosophy your tend to favor, but seriously, you need to learn on this site that if want to be a constructive participant, you have to let people argue for what they find important, or just may plain old feel like arguing for. If you do not like the thread, then don't participate in it. It is a lesson that I have learn that allows me to survive here, and I recommend you learn the same lesson. You may think that you are smarter than everyone here, and not see the value in certain discussions, but this thread (other than that pointless exchange of nonsense between me and nameless by him figuring that others should be held to grander standards than he holds himself) has plenty of valid reasons for argument. If you do not agree with these reasons, go find other trees to bark up and stir problems within. Just because you think philosophy has other reasons of existence than what you witness in this thread does not mean that you have valid purposes of stirring up sh!t where it doesn't exist. We are questioning whether all rich people are greedy a$$holes. If you find this a pointless discussion then go away. No one asked you to participate, and if all you do is question the motive for the argument, go find a different tree to find sh!t within.

Uh, what he said. Remind me to not get you pissed at me Theatetus .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:32 am
I'm not at all saying you cannot discuss the matter. My objective is to determine whether or not you are arguing, whether what is going on between you two can be called argument.

Honestly, I think philosophy does you a disservice if the concluding rounds of your argument consist of nothing more than ad homninem. I thought I would come in and try to at least see whether you two were involved in actual argument. If you are not, then it's not a matter of "agreeing to disagree." What is seen is that there is nothing to agree or disagree over. The nature of the thing between you is not something that you can agree or disagree about, though your positions might nevertheless be in agreement in the way that cylindrical shapes fit into circular openings, or in disagreement in the opposing fashion.

The ad hominem nature is referred to by my question regarding character flaw. Naturally, we all have our character flaws, and it seems rather fruitless to pick on the flaws of others, or the those characteristics less so in our control. It seemed to me that the both of you began to argue on basis of nothing other than your personal taste.

Of course, you see that I pull the language game card. But is it I who pulled it? Or did I simply point to it?

If you cannot formulate the problem, then there is no problem. Otherwise, you're making a problem for the sake of some other motive. I'll grant that we can do this. You can do whatever you want. But when I ask if there's a philosophical problem, you should take that as me asking you to formulate it for me. Telling me that I think I'm better than everyone and all is weightless and groundless outside of my question.

What I would simply like to do is establish that you have no serious philosophical dispute, but you do still have a dispute of "flavor," "taste," "mere opinion," etc. Each of which is respectable within a given context, and it is important what we call things. For we would not wish to engage in philosophical questions at a funeral, and we would not wish to engage in mere opinion at a philosophical seminar. Like so, I propose that a philosophical dispute is not present here.

Though an anthropological one might be. And of course with science comes the demand for induction, testing, demonstration, etc. In the face of such requirements, the requirements of science, should we perhaps be less inclined to speak so boldly, assertively. So it is not I who judge that you take a quieter approach, but it should be, I hope, the realization that you speak on the principles of science, the principles of observation and induction, to justify your claims (in principle). It goes without saying that "All Fs are Gs" can only be true if analytic. Since you are dealing with a synthetic case, you'll have to either argue from intuitions or from empirical findings.

Do you wish to boldly assert this or that from intuition? Have you done the empirical testing necessary to justify your claims about wealthy having a particular trait of character?

Naturally, you can concede this point as well: You merely wish to toss this or that rough and ready thought at each other. So if it's clear that you're not in a position to lose or gain any time, money, energy by way of empirical research and so forth, why get so worked up at each other over mere opinion and (scientifically) vague claim?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:43 am

I think it's not so much the points you've made, but the tone in which you showcase your points. Though you may not perceive your wording as brash, I think others may. Among other things, you use words like "Naturally" and "Of course", which can perceived as condescending, even if they do make sense through a logical progression. I think the thing to remember is that you're not writing out a logical proof on a piece of paper, but rather you're speaking to other humans.

This is not to say I don't enjoy your posts; I definitely do. I find the majority of them enlightening and useful, and I've told you this in the past, in addition to Thanking you from time to time. However, I do feel you could make more of an effort to construct your sentences in such a way it doesn't appear as though you're belittling the one you're speaking with. I can't single you out on this, though, as it's a problem I'm currently working on myself.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:46 am
Alas, the limit of my language is the limit of my friends.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:18 am
nerdfiles wrote:
Alas, the limit of my language is the limit of my friends.

Have some fun every now and then Nerdfiles. Ya know what i like to play with? Inflection. It is an art form in itself.

You obviously are a very bright man. You put words together beautifully. Your grammar is exceptional. Even an old dummy like me can see that. But I also see, a type of self imposed isolation. I can only suggest that you consider this. Everyone is not as educated as you are. Therefore, your words may seem confusing at times to them. It would be like me telling you that I do not like "eris". Now, you may or may not know what this word means. It doesn't matter. The fact that I used this word, implies that I am trying to confuse you. And everyone else who is viewing this post.

Just my opinion Nerdfiles. Doesn't cost a dime.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 10:30 am
What I attempt to do here is make a distinction between having a argument with respect to a problem, generally, and an argument with respect to a philosophical problem.

I implore people to converse, discuss, share their thoughts, opinions, and so forth, but there's no harm in asking whether something is a particular kind of problem. That way, you know which tools to bring with you and which to leave at bay.

It seems like hypersensitivity (especially on a philosophy forum) and general mean-spiritedness to attack someone who asks perhaps the most important question that can be asked, as has been evidenced by mid- to late-20th century philosophy, when dealing in philosophical matters: Is this a philosophical problem? Is this a problem?

If the logical positivists taught us anything, it's at least that school metaphysics consisted in a lot of bold assertion about nothing. At least find a way to make a bold assertion about something we have the possibility to agree with, something to intellectualize. But whether someone is making bad character form in argument? Or whether someone's use of a word is simply not liked on basis of it not being accurate enough? Well, as said, are we in a position to make (scientifically, anthropologically) accurate statements? If we're not, and we see that we're not, why let ourselves become driven by frustration and hatred?
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 04:29 pm
I'm old Nerdfiles. At this stage in my life, i've learned not to take things too seriously. But, that is just me. Hey, its all good. have a good one.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 05:20 am
Ive concluded that all fat pigs are greedy arm holes..and im right....so there.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 05:52 am
xris wrote:
Ive concluded that all fat pigs are greedy arm holes..and im right....so there.

I dunno, dude, I think it varies. If the individual has a bodyfat % of 20 or above, then I'd agree. But if it's 19.9% or below, I would call them kinda fat, greedy *******s. Very Happy
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 06:02 am
Zetherin wrote:
I dunno, dude, I think it varies. If the individual has a bodyfat % of 20 or above, then I'd agree. But if it's 19.9% or below, I would call them kinda fat, greedy *******s. Very Happy
1% 2% whose counting fats fat....greeds greed....:rolleyes:

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