The why is a void. It is an unanswered question and it is lazy to fill any gaps in knowledge with a three letter word and a conception that is evidently human. It insults and frightens the human psyche when it realizes that it doesn't know it all.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! You do not know that God exists. Knowledge is justified true belief, and its justification stems from itss ability to be empirical verified or logically verified, though logic is more limited when it comes to obtaining knowledge. Intuition is not proper justification for knowledge. People have intuitions or perspectives on a number of things, and they are usually dead wrong when they rely on intuition alone. Mysticism mistakes feeling for knowing. You believe in some conception of God, obscure as it may be, because you feel like there should be a God, not because you've observed the existence of a supernatural being.
Parsimony means the more simplistic, practical, verifiable explanation for a phenomenon. Scientists are able to do things with organic matter and inorganic matter than nature can never do, so making a leaf may not be such a big deal. All life is made of carbohydrates, lipids, and fatty acids, and these substances can be used to bioengineer an organism. I don't want to seem belittling or condescending, but it is excessively silly to consider the existence of a leaf to be supernatural. Please define supernatural?
I did not come to my conclusions based on popular beliefs or opinions, nor was I raised with these conclusions, nor were any of my peers adherents to these conclusions. I came to these conclusions through introspection and study. I know enough about human psychology to know about the emotional need for transcendence. I also know enough about human psychology to know that we have the tendency to see intentional patterns in unintentional patterns. It's called fundamental attribution error in psychology. God is a way for us to apply purpose to a purposeless universe that doesn't have us in mind.
Take it easy Hueman, don't bust a blood vessel. In all due respect, it is not I that question's the existence of a universal intelligence, it is you. Please don't misquote me. I said nothing about a 'supernatural being". I never said anything about intuition. Mysticism is a cell phone in Plato's hand. It is not a conception. See what I mean as you effort to communicate with me using the knowledge "you" have and what you have experienced. You have no clue as to the knowledge I have and the experiences I have had. As far as what "supernatural" means is anything that can not be explain by what we have define empirically, like a cell phone in Plato's hand.
There's no need to be patronizing towards me. I did not lose my cool or come off disrespectful. I presented my argument in a polite and tempered manner.
None of what you've written above directly counters my statements. "Mysticism is a cell phone in Plato's hand"? Excuse me, but what the hell does that even mean? Do you know what mysticism is? Can you define it as it is? You're right, I have no clue as to what you've experienced and what you know, so please enlighten me? I said that you haven't observed the existence of a supernatural being because God is conceived as a supernatural being or entity. You claim to have knowledge of the existence of God, so please verify the existence of God for me?
Supernatural is not anything we haven't defined empirically. What we haven't explained yet is called the unexplained. The unexplained is not synonymous with the supernatural or paranormal. The supernatural is a phenomenon that defies the laws of nature or physics, and not just by a appearance. It's a phenomenon that can be tested, and it yields results that defy the laws of physics and can't be explained in natural terms. Supernatural phenomena has never been observed, and gaps in scientific knowledge are not justifications for the belief in the supernatural. Gaps in knowledge are either temporary or permanent epistemic limitations, nothing more. Not having an explanation doesn't give you an explanation. That's a contradiction.
"We "want" to be right all the time and that is what really screws up our mind as we ponder that duality of "what is right" and "what is wrong" creating "stress". The animal has no such dilemma. Neither should we. "
i love this statement, william. it reminds me of the nike ad-'just DO it'. i definitely agree and there are times in my life i can see all this happening, but they dont last long enough.
"We "want" to be right all the time and that is what really screws up our mind as we ponder that duality of "what is right" and "what is wrong" creating "stress". The animal has no such dilemma. Neither should we. "
i love this statement, william. it reminds me of the nike ad-'just DO it'. i definitely agree and there are times in my life i can see all this happening, but they dont last long enough.
---------- Post added at 06:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 AM ----------
just wondering...when you mention the one and zero, are you making an allegory to represent the binary language? and is this another way of stating the original emergence of the concept of duality?
'I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This".
On the panorama of bleak blackness, I AM "The Absolute", I came sowing universal energy. '
i guess what tends to make me feel a little out of synch with your essay is that along with these profoundly beautiful thoughts, this absolute awareness expresses human characteristics and concepts, such as ' I am well pleased with my endeavors' and 'looking with delight upon the beauty of the garden of my creation'
if this entity or being can be well pleased and delighted, cant he also have moments of anger, forgetfulness, jealousy, revenge, and all the other things that are attributed to the 'God' of the scriptures? you never intended to go there...right?
i am not sure about these things, but i think that pure awareness might be above experiencing emotions which are the product of duality. i think they can only be experienced by proxy through the manifestations which have been 'programmed' with your one/zero.
the other thing i notice, which relates to william's mention of ego, is that whenever i hear this creator sounding off like an egotistical jerk, i have to ask myself is that my own ego responding to some imagined challenge, or is something amiss in the theory?
i am no longer referring only to your post, alan, but to the majority of the concepts of a creator that have been proposed endlessly through the ages. maybe it's me...i am still working on this ego stuff and it is very tricky business.
i mean is this creator the supreme ego, because i thought the ego was a function of the human mind. in my estimation, a supreme or only being of which we are all a part couldnt be 'happy' if he had intention to create something and it turned out well any more than he could be 'angry' if his beings didnt react the way he had hoped they would. or is my ego getting in my way of comprehending? and again, would that being really distinguish between 'beauty' and 'ugliness' which are relative terms based on human perception?
however, i can see the absolute awareness described as 'nurturing', though it is also using human terms to describe something that would only be a natural impartial activity to ensure self-preservation.
If there is no time, there can be no movement. Time is just a distance between two points or a reference point of memory. You can't do anything if there is no time for doing. Time distinguishes one moment of "not doing" with one of "doing" therefore a realm without time does not happen or have a happening.
For a heaven to exist as just a singular moment without time would not be a heaven in my opinion. It would be a cage of the pause button. One moment implies that you wouldn't ever have a change of moments because to change it would imply a time signature. I don't buy it, sorry...
It is so subjective of a concept to, I don't even think all theists have the same opinion about heaven or hell. Therefore you can imply that heaven and hell are just something we imagine to exist. In other words people don't fight over what bread is because we have an understanding of what bread is. Some will call it nutritious and others will not but they will never argue it isn't bread. The same can't be said about heaven or hell. Because I can turn heaven into hell with just a few words...
Yes, this is the fundamental flaw I refer to but unlike Darwin I am not hung up on it. He was a christian and still thought a god hand his hands in the workings of nature. I however do not think any being plays any roles as a caretaker in nature. If there was such a being then odd stuff would happen that we simply could not explain but this never happens.
The funny thing about all this is, you have no more of an idea about god than I do. The only difference between us is that you believe and I don't. We have absolutely nothing else to go on than a hunch, a guess, a hypothesis, a theory. You are no closer to the truth than I although you might claim you are because you have faith or something but lets be honest here you know damn well you have nothing else to go on than that.
So I beg the question, had you never been subjected to the bible or a church goer would you ever consider god as existing? Can you honestly answer it? Before you do take into consideration this possible scenario;
Imagine you were born, blind and deaf, you also couldn't taste or feel anything as well as smell. All you had were your thoughts. Let's assume that a doctor is keeping your body alive but you have absolutely no knowledge of that doctor. What would your world consist of? You would never learn a language, you would never learn about a car, a house, a job, the idea of a mother or father wouldn't occur to you. In fact you would not even consider yourself as a thing because to do so you must have something that does not consist of you to say, "this is me, that is not me." If you can't sense anything else then you have no way to determine anything. The last little bit of this is the kicker, you wouldn't even have the concept of god because god is something taught to you, it is not inherent.
IMO, in all due respect our attempt to define God and place labels such a personal and impersonal are nothing more that exercises in mental masturbation as we effort to establish a relationship with that God. That automatically creates a "separation" from us with Him or it or whatever God is. When in truth, IMO, we are a part of that God; a human extension of it. When I think of a God that is proscribed by some religions to be some supernatural entity who created man for his own amusement, it makes me literally ill. What kind of an omnipotent, all knowing, all loving entity would do such a thing? Of course we have an answer for that in that we gave Him "human frailties" such as wrath, jealously and vengeance. What a crock. That doesn't fit with omnipotence in any way whatsoever. Or any kind of "omni" for that matter in that those frailties come from weakness and ignorance. If that is what you perceive God to be, then no wonder you are so damn confused.
I have gone beyond faith to the point of knowing I am a divine creation and a part of that God. I am a little piece of him. As are you. I know that for a fact. It is not a belief for me. Now explaining that and getting through the misconceptions out there makes me want to literally pull what little hair I have left out. Ha. Considering this reality, I know it is hard for many to fathom exactly what this 'oneness' is. Once you have witnessed it and experienced it, it will, as it did with me, literally blow you away. Now there are a lot of reasons for that; too many to cover in this post.
Rest assured it is not God who is confusing, we are. Let's face it for whatever reason we all dwell at the same address and are essentially a family. The problem is we don't communicate very well with each other. We are so used to surviving the chaos, we have no idea of the joy that life has to offer. Because we don't honestly communicate we become afraid of each other and build barriers that protect us. Not good in any family situation.
What ever you deem that is personal about you, should in no way conflict with that of which I feel is personal about me. That's how we learn. Now if your personal concepts cause me harm in any respect, then we must effort to remedy that. Only honesty communication will accomplish that void of selfish motivations on either side. Divinely, we can do this. But the ego has to go.
All we have to do is observe nature. It has no choice in the matter. It just is and flourishes in it's harmony. We are a part of that nature. We are, or should be compatible with it. It's all about harmony, compatibility and communication. That is nature. That is God. So it is safe to understand God is Harmony. Chaos doesn't fit in anywhere.
Once we finally understand this, then we will witness God in motion as we divinely begin to communicate and we will solve all the problems that plague us. All, all, all, all of them. And that we can definitely blame on God. Ha. In my most humble opinion. :a-ok:
Hello dear William,
Respectfully one can feel a separation from God I have felt this and it is a desolation of unspeakable proportions. Do you perceive God as a separate primordial mind?
It was more like being mentally separated from family, loved ones for a while a sense of profound loneliness that all mystics like me experience from time to time
If we are part and parcel of God or little peace of him as you stated, then God must have some human attributes, don't you think?
God never created anything for his own amusement, he created only what what his omniscience knew was necessarily, in his creation
I agree it is we humans who are confused when it comes to God, God has absolutely no problem knowing exactly who and what we are
God is the "Omniscient Mind that pervades and sustains all existence
A being a"Consolidated Mind" can never be an entity of pure love as some suppose
Thus creation is a duality!!
God is that which is that God
How have you gone from belief to knowing William?, that statement interests me greatly, I do not doubt what you say that is a friendly question
Now I can relate some events that happened to me during a near death experience.
I seemed at one stage to have merged with the "GODMIND" that pervades and upholds all existence
Then I knew Everything, all question where answered, I felt Omnipotent, so much so that if I wanted to I could effect the universe or even destroy it
It was strange, like a pilot handing over the controls of a huge airplane to me, but with all the knowledge ingrained to navigate it
Blasphemy some might say, you are/were God, remember Jesus said, don't you know you are GODS?
Time flowed at infinite speed back and forward,a moment became an eternity an eternity a moment
So I am tempted to believe what you believe, we are really God and must just realize the truth thereof.
Peace, light, and Joy
From history we know that even pagans who never had any revelation from God or whatsoever believed in the existence of God from simple observation that the world cannot be the cause of its own existence. They didn't even have to go into a deep introspection to conclude what they believed. I'm not saying that they proved they proved their point, but the existence of God doesn't necessarily come by teaching it.
What I am saying is that when you have the concept of "I" immediately you get the concept of "NOT I". Then generally what follows is a whole procession of questions, what created this I, where does this I originate, how does this I come into being. That is where god is created from. If there is no concept of "I" the concept of god will never arise.
William I will respond later to your post, but what I posted had nothing to do with my mania, it had all to do with a near death event I had
What I am saying is that when you have the concept of "I" immediately you get the concept of "NOT I". Then generally what follows is a whole procession of questions, what created this I, where does this I originate, how does this I come into being. That is where god is created from. If there is no concept of "I" the concept of god will never arise.
i know how stupid, illogical and lame it sounds to someone who hasnt had the experience.
Then it is not practical. I also see it as just an inch away from hatred. Why is it at one point you see two people happily in love end with one murdering the other? Why is it a father can kill his daughter for not obeying the laws in theology?
If love is so hard to obtain or to find, what good is it? If its rare or requires a unique experience to know it, then what good is it? Does love cure cancer or does ambition to help the betterment of society drive it? Would you call it love? I wouldn't...
There is compassion for beings, but calling it love in my opinion is slapping a label of an expiration date.
As for god being love, I don't see it and the closest reference is a being willing to destroy with a flood being love? Then I want nothing to do with love or such a being...
hello krumple-
during the experience of gnosis, one does not have the concept of i. one senses awareness of being, but not of being 'something' . in other words, there is no awareness of gender, age, identity, nothing at all...there are no longer any questions, no duality. but one sensation stands out above all and that is what can only be called when one is forced to use the extremely limited faculty of human
i know how stupid, illogical and lame it sounds to someone who hasnt had the experience. if i knew how to put it in a pill i would give it away free for the asking. the effects change a person forever, and as they return to a normal ordinary everyday perception of existence, that memory lives on and becomes the driving force, the reason and cause of everything.
this experience of gnosis i believe is innate in all human beings, it is a state of existence that is part of our past history which we all share and need only some catalyst or trigger to remember. near death experiences are one of the ways it manifests.
god is also an unfortunate way of referring to this being/knowing state, but it is something we did not have to create...only to remember.
---------- Post added at 06:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 AM ----------
william and alan-
i think you seem to both be in agreement, from my viewpoint as a reader, but are expressing your convictions in different choice of words.
for instance, alan, when you said "creation is duality" i would say you are referring to the theory that before creation, or manifestation which is the term i like to use, there was no duality-no 'i/not i, not male/female, no is/is not' etc etc etc. am i right?
you both reached the same place on different i see it.