Hey Guys I must commend all of you for excellent maybe profound responses:bigsmile:
First, if you and your craft exist, then the space in which you exist can no longer be considered a complete vaccuum.
Second, all notion of motion is relative. Without something to measure against, an accepted standard (any reference point), you cannot be considered in mnotion. Going 'faster than light' (if possible) would be no different than going the speed of a slug through the morning dew! There would/could be no 'going'!
This is a thought experiment and we can imagine anything we like, even if it is far out there. Einstein who was much smarter than me imagined himself riding on a beam of light for example
I agree with you that without any reference point to state that something is in motion is meaningless. Great response, however!
Quote:Based on the relative distance between the fuel and the rocket (if you could somehow measure it), relative speed and relative location could be calculated.
If there would be no need to follow that law, and the rocket would not need to push the fuel back, there would be no other things (matter for example) to relate to. Because of the void there would also be no outside forces acting on it. As/(if) the observer is inside the space craft, then I believe by definition, he can only be at rest.
Relative speed and location would have no meaning if you and your spacecraft were the only objects that exist would, they?
Quote:Without space there can be no speed. In fact, if you consider the implications of extension, and that we don't consider a void to be the same as nothingness, then wouldn't there have to be a set of conditions which implies the potential (though not necessarily) for matter. Matter after all is just emergent on a set of conditions. And I'm assuming speed here is relative to matter-objects.
Yes the void in this thought experiment is a total empty vacuum, not the impossibly to state nothingness. Nothingness is the absence of everything!
The best description for the void in this thought problem is an absolutely empty vacuum devoid of everything except three dimensional space
If you set 1 object (say your spaceship example) into a void, then it could not possibly have a velocity. It would behave in an all or none sort of way. You could say it moves at an infinite velocity, because what other conditions are there to relate to say it is not moving? But then you could say movement transcends the potential the object really has, because well... velocity requires relative objects. The object, if the only object, (thus the only condition in this "void") cannot therefore have zero movement, because that implies a value. Zero is not the opposite of infinity.
I tend to agree the spacecraft pilot might think he is moving somewhere due to the vibrations and noises coming from the engines of his vehicle, but this is just an illusion of movement or is it?
We could try this experiment from a different angle if you like. The earth revolves on its axis at a 1000 miles per hour, around the sun at 60 thousand miles per hour, the sun revolves around the galaxy at 160 thousand miles per hour, the galaxy is moving towards the Andromeda galaxy at a million miles per hour and the whole bunch are moving outward due to the expansion of the universe at a huge rate of almost half the speed of light
Please guys this is just an approximation gleaned from memory.
All this interacting twisted intertwined movement makes the earth appear to be moving is a crazy way through the universe. Much like a twisted fishing knotted reel
So start removing, first the other galaxies and matter besides ours, then all the stars and matter in our galaxy.
Leaving our solar system as the only one in a vast and lonely universe
Then remove all the other planets, sun and matter from the universe. The earth is now embraced by the eternal abysmal dark alone in the vast empty vacuum void
Where as before its movements relative to all the abjects in the universe were twisted, convoluted and complex and almost at half light speed.
The earth is now totally alone!
Has it stopped??
Does it still move?