Tue 11 Nov, 2003 10:46 pm
"You know the really great thing about television? If something important happens, anywhere in the world, night or day, you can always change the channel."
"Bobby: Mental illness or narcotic addiction?
Reverend Jim: Now that's a tough choice...
Reverend Jim: Death to the revolutionary rebels!
Latka: But I am fighting for the revolutionary rebels.
Reverend Jim: Death to the imperialist stooges!
Latka: But they were thrown out long ago.
Reverend Jim: Death to the puppet regime!
Latka: But there is no puppet regime.
Reverend Jim: Who the hell are we fighin'?
Latka: The tyrannical despot.
Reverend Jim: Well, the tyrannical despot will soon know the name Jim ...ummmm....
Alex: Ignatowski.
Reverend Jim: Right! Already it's spreading!
Gosh i miss him. Wonder what hes been up to?