HexHammer;144235 wrote:It puzzles me so, why so many truthsearchers comes to this forum, in search of truths, when a sience forum is the simple answer, because in a philosophy forum your thesis doesn't have to be siencetific, it can be purely spekulation made up by psycotic and skitzophrenic people, with their nonsens and babble.
I suppose I might as well ask, since someone is bound to anyway,
why are you at this forum instead of a science forum?
However, I think there are two reasons to be here instead of at a science forum. The first one you have already given yourself, as some people are foolish and try to deal with questions that are answerable better by science, but they do not like the answers that science gives them, and being unreasonable, they seek other answers and imagine that they can get away with their nonsense in a philosophy forum. The second reason is hinted at in the way I have worded the first question: Science does not deal with all questions, and so someone might want to examine these other questions that are considered to be philosophy. For example,
how should one live one's life? Science is not well suited for giving an answer to that question, though it can certainly help with the means and intermediate goals once one has decided upon whatever it is that one ultimately wants out of life. For example, if one came to the conclusion that life is not worth living, science would be helpful in achieving the desired goal effectively. But it cannot supply the goal.