There is much credibility in what you are proposing about identity not being transcendant. It will require more thought in order for me to figure out how to address it in words that do not just restate what has already been said, but I feel that I am also learning here so I will continue as long as it does not become a dead end.
If I recall correctly, you are of the mind that emotional feeling is a biological stimulus, a chemical reaction of sorts. Correct me if I am wrong.
So let me try to understand how you think given what you have told me.
You believe that there is no origin to life, that it has existed for all time and was always there somehwere. And by somewhere I have to assume you mean in some form capable of containing life which just continued to pass it on genetically.
Which therefore also means that you would have to conclude that the place for these life carrying forms must ahve also exited for all time without beginning. Hense a universe without origin.
So as you see, it can be confusing for those of us who think the way I do, when you say that it is illogical to conceive of a life outside of the body, as though something extra-physical could not possibly exist, and than turn around surmise that everything that you do accept as logical just IS.
I am really not sure how we can further discuss the actual manifestation of emotion in the human being without acknowledging a uniqueness to that ability that transcends the rest of earth's creatires. I know that dogs and cats show a sort of emotional reaction, but to compare that to the deeply heart wrenching emotion that humans know belittles the characteristic of it.
Boag brought up the aspect of sexuality. Now I am sure that you will not equate the nature of human sex to be purely animalistic without emotion. Not if your partner reads these posts anyway,lol. Yes, to some people sex can be just the act. But that does not take away from the loving aspect of it between two lovers sharing an experience that transcends the physical aspect of it. You would say that the feelings are simply chemical reactions taking place during the act. But you would deny the feelings of love that seem to come from the heart that exist when two people are in love. You would then also deny the longing for each other when they are apart as a chermical reaction of some sort. You would also deny the great anguish and torment that one of them would feel when the other has died as mere chemical reaction taking place in the body.
Please do not let me put words in your mouth Zeth. Correct me when I am wrong, I am merely trying to suppose how you think based upon what I think you have told us so far.
You said that there is no meaning in life unless it is created through our own judgement. I would agree with that however; does that not support what I have been saying about the inner self using a spiritual judgement to evolve itself? Are you suggesting that judgement is made by some chemical process? That falling in love is not a personal thing but a chemical reaction? That knowing that it is wrong to abuse a child is mere mixture of chemicals taking place in the brain?
Meaning is given through our own personal judgement of what we are faced with in life and how we feel about those experiences. If it was chemically induced we would all react the same way, all of us having basically the same physical makeup. But of course you are aware that there are many humans who do not share the same judgements as you do. So if every organ is the same as every other human, if the brain is the same, and the working of the whole nervous sytem the same, than what is it that is different about the way you judge something, and the way that someone else would?
That difference is identity and personal character! And I do not think it is just another bodily function.
It is this acknowledgment that causes me to think that the human is unique, I would not use the term special, because I do not see it that way. I see it as being designed differently for a specific reason. Just like a Porsche is designed differently from the Beetle. What that reason is remains a mystery, but just because it is a mystery does not mean it cannot be so.
You are right though about the human tending to make everything mystical. I guess that is a natuiral evolution of living in a world filled with so much mystery. But to de-mystify it to the point where you simply deny the mysteries is going too far in the opposite direction dont you think? We agree that the origin of the universe is a mystery unless you have the answer. We agree that what possibilities may exist out there in the far reaches remain a mystery, unless you have been for a ride that I want to go on with you the next time.
I really don't like to suppose that there is an evil in the world, I have to agree with you there. man is responsible for what he becomes and the choices he makes. But there is an aspect to creation that is unfavorable to life that cannot be overlooked. You suggest that this is just the way it is. That is life, shiat happens. And I agree with that outlook, however that does not mean that life becomes an inconsequential part of that creation. I adamantly disagree with the thinking that the human is no different than a rock or a plant. That is of course the Great Spirit, East Indian oneness religion. Existence is just what it is and taking place in the here and now regardless of anything that is said about it. That thinking does not disclude the unique place that man has within that natural taking place of creation.
I must admit to being made to think hard about what you and Boag say about identity being continued throughout incarnations though. That has been a sticking point for me as well and requires further consideration as to how to put it into words.
I am aware of my SELF, and my identity is intact, but how to convey that to you with regard to transcendancy will take a little more thought.
Looking forward to continuing this discussion.