@ jasper10
The physics community nowadays looks like a zombie land. Guys “Blah blah, spin, bosons, fermions, blah blah, virtual particle, quark” numbly all day all night. Actually, such scene is much more horrible than your “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism”.
So, the pig would rather talk with a wasp.
Now they are arguing over the mechanism of quantum entanglement. Some “authentic” guys wonder why bosons, fermions can’t explain quantum entanglement? Haha...They are UNAWARE they are travelling in a long and complicated curve, even a blind alley.
Percentage, touchy and feely
Actually Donkey has been recorded by history too, piggy thinks. But the percentage should be 0.5. (Even G* has no idea how to “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” that “egotistical” / “lobotomised” idiot. If he thinks he can extinct the whole world, he just go.) If you keep on “Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism” here, your percentage would reduce to 0.5 too. You are a smart philosopher, you should be able to understand this philosophy.
Piggy suggests you travel to PHF galaxy and show up your “SELF” thread in their philosophy forum. Then, your percentage would rise to 10, perhaps.
History never forgot clever guy who can do something positive in critical moment. Just foolish guy would try to do a stumbling stone to hold back the development of history. Then, he would be forgotten by history entirely at last.
Have a lovely week.