Wed 26 May, 2010 05:31 am
Is that who we are? Do we need heat to respond? My butt has been blistered and I will have to admit, I did effort to run from that imposed catalyst, ha! Did that improve my "response-ability"?
Is food energetic? If it is then how much food and what kind of food would be important, wouldn't it? Which came first the food or the energy? Food for thought or food for nourishment or food for energy? Is there a balance the can be reached on both sides of the equal sign; IN and OUT? Whether it be mental food or physical food, what is nourishing food and how much do we need to sustain ourselves?
When one considers what perpetual motion is as it relates to all things I have come to understand we are that machine. We don't need heat to respond; on the contrary heat cause us to go faster than we "normally" would. Cool and calm is where IT is at. The sun is all we need and the beautiful seasons it allows us to have and the rains that cleanses us. It allows us the freedom of thought that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer and the refreshing newness of the spring and the autumn in between.
When it applies to us, what do we do in the winter? We hug to keep warn and voila something springs forward from that. More children are born from that winter cuddling than in any other season. That's a good way to keep warm. But we can keep warm without plugging into that feminine energy source that brings that new dynamo into this world. we do tend to plug in together for selfish reasons more than we should don't we, ha!
We cause "that new energy source/son or daughter, heat too as in for so many years the first thing we do on their arrival is blister their tiny ass, ha! What a greeting, huh? We still do that today when we apply the third degree to one we impose those questions that cannot be answered to. "I don't know? The devil make me do it", ha!
The truth is we don't need much fuel to stay dynamic. We need just enough to sustain motion. Think of the cylinder and the piston and pressure and thrust. Come to think about it hydraulics does have something to do with how we get here, ha! That is if one is plugging in to the right socket. One produces energy (us) one wallows in waste. What is happening today in the way we regard that new energy source, we treat them as waste and kill that energy before it has a chance to "shine". If those little angels do manage to emerge we clip there wings and force them to learn the waste of our past that zaps that new mental energy they bring with them wasting that also!
When one thinks about it death is the end result of waste, period! WE WASTE AWAY. Of course there are those who "create waste" who will rationalize and excuse it. It they only knew how much they were wasting themselves as a result of the waste they are creating. Loneliness is what they have and can only find comfort amid others who too are so wasteful.
Remember that "piece of art (ha) that an individual bought for $130,000,000 dollars that looked like the bottom of a bird cage? Talk about a waste of resources! Yet those, like him, thought it was a work of art? Damn! These, oh so affluent, are the idols of some. I beg to differ! They are so much less than that erroneous extreme many bow too.
My brother was so much of a pawn on this checkered board that we call this life's reality as he fell sway to the what he thought were the riches of life dictated by the Kings and Queens that so greatly influence the game as it were. Not only he but so very many others are duped to think that more is better. He also was coaxed to have more as if some happiness could be found in all the possessions he was able to amass. So much more that he could master/muster control over. It's one thing to have things for there wonderful utility, but to hold them diminishes our ability to respond to the truly important things that will make us happy.
To have and to hold is but a myth by those who effort to make "cents" of IT!
It was said that Christ did raise a little hell in the temple and the "money masters" that gathered there. Is our soul for sale? Ten percent can be a lot from those so guilty, huh? That's enough sway to beckon many to the pulpit, huh!
The more we have the more responsible we have to become or do we lose response-abilty? Granted those who have more in some cases need help and they have the ways and means to enslave others to help them be response-able or those who are hired will suffer the consequences. Is that law and order?
A personal note; when my heart began to falter I was forced to live life a little slower. Call it fate? I never did really think that I was wasting energy but I was taking in more than I needed as many were doing the same both mentally and physically. I could feel it in others, you know the anxious ones who I could feel had a lot of "excess food for thought" they were trying to digest", ha! Lost in there thoughts or, using a better term; worried/wearied. The delayed ability to respond to anything.
I know many of you have experienced such a person. A caring person would ask, "what's wrong" instinctively. "Oh, nothing; just thinking is all" is the usual response" Been there before?
When one thinks of US and our sustaining ability we are trying to keep us alive as a group. I have come to find the "100th Monkey/human effect" is not wrong, it is very right. We are trying, granted the hard way, to balance us out. When one who lacks efforts to fill that lack by consuming more than they need, there is another who will work harder to sustain them........................unconsciously. All you thinkers of an empirical nature stop.......................I nor you can prove it by close inspection, you have to rise to the occasion to see it. Most of you are stuck in the proving rut and couldn't rise if your life depended on it. You are stuck in the mire of the status quo and there you will stay as long as you need proof for everything. Good luck.
Usually when we exercise, starve ourselves, stay buried in books to learn, we do it for selfish reasons thinking we are sustaining ourselves. Ha, sorry. No cigar. This is not the case. We are US and we have no choice in the matter. Some will call it a Karmic justice/balance and they would be right.
When the right had does not know what the left hand is doing chaos ensues, right brain/hemisphere, left brain hemisphere out of sync with each other. If you do a little research as to the manifestations of what we can observe of those right and left handed people in a broader schematic/picture we would be in perfect balance.
As I have mentioned/offered before if all of us were to be weighed and the number of us divided into that weight we would get our perfect weight per humana, ha! When there are more of us than are needed sadly we do balance ourselves and that is what war is all about and what those mysterious 'acts of god' do to keep that balance. Once we maintain that balance neither will occur. Can you possibly imagine that? I think it is worth the effort to at least try to achieve that balance don't you?
Now if you were to observe what is depicted on a global scale where most of us are located, you will see "hot spots/a lot of weight" where so many are crammed together. God, why is that? Why do we rush to these hot spots? To sustain ourselves? Are they really economic centers or are they cancers/malignant tumors stifling flow and wasting so much and burning so much energy stifling flow to so much more space we could spread out to?
If that is so we need to change our economic structure so we can alleviate the pressure of those blood filled clots before that become aneurysm's. Individually what we observe in the earth is happening in our bodies as well. The body that is the earth and the body that is us, collectively and individually.
Now back to my personal experience. When I slowed down I was no longer addicted to the rat race and it's demands. As a matter of a fact you came in and saved me. I became your dependent. Thanks to the energy you burned to develop the technology to develop the machine in my chest that allows my heart to continue beating, it was then able to pump vital fluids to my barren/extremities that were becoming deserts/no life and began to nourish those areas again. You help me lose that weight I carried. Thank you for all you have done to save me. Are you catching on yet to what I am offering here and now?
In that peaceful solitude I was able to meditate and in that I was able to rid all the waste that was forced on me to survive. And now I don't need as much to sustain me. You could say my appetite has greatly diminished. I am not as hungry for as much stuff as other said I need to survive. Now turn on your television and observe the "commericals" and then you will see this happening now, ha!
Now if you will observe on that same global scale one of those supposed economic/survival centers is New York City and in that city is Madison/man son avenue where those advertising agencies are located. There only purpose it to extract the life's blood (as it is now) money from you preying on your fears to do so or your vanity or your need to slow down selling conveniences all to alleviate what this society impose that sped you up. Ha, would you call this a predicament? Or could it be called an entrapment?
Now when I say this earth is not for sale perhaps you will understand a little more why I say that. The sun is our most valuable resource for it brings all the warmth we will ever need in the rains it provides and green it allows go grow that supply the oxygen we need. We must take care in how use our natural resources the earth provides and effort not to create waste to supply imposed erroneous demands or it will be used against us, that sun itself. Make no mistake here, as you have done in the past or you will create a waste land no one will be able to survive in.
If you will observe time and life is an elaborate overlay as we try to define our evolution in that it seems a process was in play to make the way for us to be here as if it could be conceive it was known before hand what we would do to sustain ourselves. One era placed on the top of the other to serve as windows from one time to another.
I know I have offered a lot that is contrary to popular fact. Sorry, if what I offer is alien to some of you as I can only hope that it will be familiar and serendipitously aid some you in gathering your thoughts together. Hopefully that will be a contagion we truly need.
Thanks for reading. I could go on for ever trying to balance us out and as I have said so many times I don't have enough ink in my computer to do that. I await to see what tomorrow will bring. It will always be there. I have learned how to slow down and truly hate to be rushed by anyone. I have found, in that respect, a relief and a comfort many can only imagine and I thank you for that. In all I offer you, I am trying to return the favor.
Although I struggled to make sense as to to your implications through all of that syntactic chaos, all of this is very true.
This society is built up on consumer greediness, we are taught to have eyes bigger than our stomachs. food/energy was originally a means to survive, however these days it is simply a tool for pleasure. Nature has a beautiful way of keeping balance, this is because nature does not have consciousness to decide how much it
wants but it uses and reproduces only what is
needed, as such, ever since modern civilization this beautiful balance has been shamelessly treaded all over, all in the name of pleasure. One thing I have always failed to understand, is regarding all of these corporal giants that push for this illusion of consumerism. I ask my self, in which planet do theese idiots plan to spend all of they're money?