Sat 24 Apr, 2010 11:27 am
"Work is the transfer of energy.
In physics we say that work is done on an object when you transfer energy to that object. For introductory thinking, this is the best definition of work.
If you put energy into an object, then you do work on that object.
If a first object is the agent that gives energy to a second object, then the first object does work on the second object. The energy goes from the first object into the second object. At first we will say that if an object is standing still, and you get it moving, then you have put energy into that object.
For example, a golfer uses a club and gets a stationary golf ball moving when he or she hits the ball. The club does work on the golf ball as it strikes the ball. Energy leaves the club and enters the ball. This is a transfer of energy. Thus, we say that the club did work on the ball.
And, before the ball was struck, the golfer did work on the club. The club was initially standing still, and the golfer got it moving when he or she swung the club".
Now let's take that same definition and apply it to the human being. Unlike inanimate objects we are dynamic objects and what is defined as work is just "doing". We naturally "do stuff". We don't need to be struck with a club! The only time that is done is when we are told to "do stuff" that we don't want to do.
We can do easily what comes natural to us without force being applied. Even if it is labor; if the energy is there as long as there is a balance and energy is not wasted or too much expended. That causes heat, temper, friction and we literally get "hot under the collar", in so many more ways than we can possibly define. "Hey, cool it, or chill out", ha! Heard that before? We are an energy source. No one likes expending more energy than they are capable of and what anyone is capable of will come naturally.
Now how this applies here in the forum and how we communicate with each other. When we "tell" someone something it is demanding that they hear. We are here to share not tell. There is a big difference.
When we "tell" someone something they do not understand we are applying force like hitting them with a club forcing them to think what we think. We are meant to share our energy with each other. Those who have positive energy or are "right" needs no force for another to "tap" into it or align with. The one who is right loses nothing, but the more negative gains gradually becoming more positive.
Force should never, never, never be applied to another human being to get them to work. It's like a master clubbing a slave. It's like understanding how gravity works and one being heavy laden. Which means they are inundated with "negative energy" that has been forced on them by another who had "suffered" likewise and so on and so on.
When each and every one share with those heavily laden, they will gradually lighten their load become less negative and more positive on their own. No one should be at a "feverish pitch". That is the indication of lose of energy on doing work that should have never been done or caused.....................had we known better.
In the beginning of US the human being/body as it relates to the external and the natural element of "fire" we understood that it takes heat to generate more energy. That's all well and good with inanimate objects to an extent only. Once that object becomes energized how much energy it takes to keep it energized is the problem and we as well as it is likely to become too energetic and it "speeds"; the faster it goes the more energy it depletes, exhausts and becomes "inanimate again". Especially as it relates to us. Like I said we don't need to be clubbed or force to be energetic. Granted there are those who seem more energetic and want to share, but what must be realized is they are sharing what they have and not forcing in on anyone.
Now how our energy and the Earth's energy are affected. They are identical. The sun is the Earth's source, the earth is our source along with the sun. The sun is the energy source for it's realm, that "solar system". The water on the earth is identical to the blood in our bodies. We have just enough blood and the earth has just enough water. It has it "high" points and it has it's "low" points. Now let's examine those identical relationships.
When one is existing on those high points (mountains) they are less subject to gravity and are physically less laden. Their energy is less subject to force, yet it takes heat to scale those heights if one is accustom to lower altitudes. Why it is more difficult to "breathe" after one has scaled those heights. Whether you use energy of another, like a car, either way there is a depletion and a waste of energy indicated by heavily ladened breath or feeling dizzy and the 'pollution' of the car. Once there it take time to assimilate or acclimate to that higher height. Any energy expended there must be tempered simply because breathing is much more difficult.
Let's use Mount Everest as an example. Why do those who want to climb that mountain do so? To damn much mental energy if you want to know the truth. They need the challenge. "It's there, let's do it!" Ha! Their minds are forcing their bodies to do something it is not capable of doing naturally. It works it's ass off and why few make it and the price is often too much for those who eventually do. Many die trying.
Let me offer you a personal experience here. In Albuquerque New Mexico is Sandia Peak with a tram that scales that peak. It works on thermal electro dynamic energy; I do not, ha! I didn't know then that I had a heart condition and the blood in my body was not being equally distributed and I decided to hop on that tram and go up. Big mistake, ha! I couldn't get down fast enough to suit me. My body went haywire. My energy was sapped, I couldn't breathe and when I did get down I suffered with painful head aches and saw halos around all bright lights. Ha, never again! It took me 3 months for my body to readjust which it did do without any medical intervention. But I know it surely didn't help my heart any at all and did more damage physically. As far as my heart and soul, nothing could ever damage that; I will suffer and die first before that will ever happen. Many may have a difficult time of understanding that. Hopefully someday you will.
Now I know this is an awkward analogy but in all contexts it is identical with the mind body connections and how we express ourselves. Far to many for me to know all of them and that is why we must share in all things so one day we will come closer to understanding what "life" is all about. If we don't we will decay and rot just as we have always done. Worse than that create a Earth no worth living on.
Now when you do your own deliberation think of the blood in the body with the rivers, lakes and tributaries of the earth. The fertile ground verses the desert waste lands. In either case once that fluid motion is stifled or depleted decay develops. I have offered this before and many just couldn't grasp it. They are IDENTICAL. If we can just get our blood moving to all the body's parts the chance of decay is far less. Just as it is with the earth.
When my heart was weak I developed "fluid problems" and the fluid in my body was unequally dispersed and was retaining more that I was eliminating. When the heart malfunctions it affects everything, physically and metaphysically. Most of what we are is water, fluid and when the heart malfunctions, so go the kidneys and the body cannot rid the fluid it needs to. It retains all it should normally have gotten rid of and that is oh so bad. The blood cannot flow and due to the gravity of the situation, it gathers and decay starts in and the feet begin to change color for they are the most affected and numbness in the extremities and there begins cellular breakdown. I have a pace maker that saved my life.
Perhaps we all need to do just that "pace ourselves" in all ways. Now the fluid is becoming more dispersed and eliminated and the blood flow has resumed back to those areas in the joints and extremities. It is a slow process to heal those areas that were dying, but it is happening; I can see it and I can feel it. Yippee. I am a grateful cyborg, ha! Perhaps what I offer will help you not to become one. Let's hope.
I have observed an orange grove in the middle of the desert and all it took was a little serendipitous thinking (mutual complementary shared thought) for that to happen and water was that conduit that carried all that was needed for that orange grove to flourish. When we share that work required is dispersed equally lessening the burden for each.
Now here we are in this global forum, let us not work so hard. Together we can lessen the pain for each and eventually for all. Let us not force another to do anything. They will offer freely what they can if only allowed to without telling anyone anything. Offer all you wish, and please do.:a-ok: