My daughter called the other day and being the new mother of very active two year old little girl mentioned "THE TERRIBLE TWO's".
I began thinking about that statement and wondered why it exists. These little people don't know words, all they know is the tone of their environment. They seem to know what "that" is. In a look, in what they hear and what they see and feel. Either it is one that offers serenity or it offers conflict without anything to base it on in their understanding, they somehow will reflect it in their behavior to find a place in it and align with it. It is like she will be what she receives so as to be a part and gets lambasted for it, ha!
Are we so used to "dischord" that we are "tone deaf" as it relates to how our senses function or more importantly should function. Is making sense more of a tonal quality than a quantitative one? Does truth have an easy tone to it? Or is it argumentative? To argue takes effort when it could be truth would come easily? Are we just "noisy"? Does noise ever make sense? I don't think it ever does. The noisemakers in effect are wearing earplugs and could care less what they are "putting out there" as they feel no one is paying a attention anyway so what difference does it make?
Perhaps if they make enough noise someone will stop and notice them? I have noticed it here in this forum for it too has noise makers. Myself, I like calm, cool and collected yet my ears are ringing constantly, even now as I type these words, ha! An agreeable ringing and I find a peace in that I cannot explain.
I do so hope someone will understand what I am offering for I think it is important somehow in all the ways we communicate with each other. Does tone matter. I think yes. Now how in all the contexts in which "tone" is used could be quite complicated? I don't know.
Do any of you think tone matters. I would like to know what you think and thanks.
Here is a link I have not perused it in detail yet but will. What I have read seems to make sense to me.