Thanks Jg.
Perhaps it is the word "argument" that confuses me? In one sphere it means one thing in the other it means another. To argue, to me involves "heat, friction and combativeness" in that one or both "opponents" cease communicating and begin attacking. I agree with everything you have say; I would just like to "not argue". Perhaps there is another that could be used?
Our institutions and that "grading" system, promotes "competition" and the term "competitive edge" that breeds guile, tactics and strategies to "suvive" and be a "success" for those who play by this game"s rules tossing ethics out the window or at least making it difficult to understand by posing hypothetical scenarios that are impossible to answer. IMO, there are no ethics when it comes to winning the game because of the competitive, combative nature of the game itself as we reward intelligence and pounce on the innocently ignorant.
Ethics is more utilized and renamed "reason", not to prevent war, but to prepare for another one as we hone our tactics, strategies that will prevent us from making the same mistakes over again in the next battle. BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's an elitest power game in which those at the top never get blood on their pressed khaki's who observe this game from afar as the young and naive pay with their very lives as we find it thrilling in victory for the very few who survived, tacitly mourning the the death of those "players" that enlisted whom know little of the reason why they are going to battle in the first place. I have to calm down, I am pounding my keyboard. Ha. And hell, I'm not even arguing with anybody. Ha. Call it deep seated anger, but under control.
Now alturistically if we alloted our focus on reaching a truth in connecting the dots of these various philosophers, I think we could end all arguments as we concentrate on prevention that will lessen the need for cures. Which is why I picked on Rich and Paul in that they represent both spectrums: PREVENTION AND CURE.
I related an occasion in which I took a financial beating in trying to devlope an idea that would prevent fires. My god, you would think I was a leper. Now you would think preventing fires would be a good thing? Not by a long shot. If I had been successful, look at all those who are dependent on fires who make good livings as a result of those fires and how much they would suffer; attorneys, insurance companies, doctors, constriction and so forth. The same scenario can be applied to the use of fossil fuels, if that is what they are? ...... and those who profit from war!!!
So after a time observing the "death spiral" one begins to understand what needs to be done "other-wise". Which is what I have been trying to do since day one; spread a little "wisdom" that I have gathered to put a stop to this death spiral that we "profit" from. Hence the difficulty in breaking through a mind that knows now other way of doing things. Whew!
We need to stop the arguing and fighting and push the table we sit on the opposite sides of, against the wall and all get on the same side if we are going to survive. It's that critical. IMO. As Robert Kennedy said " rather than ask why; we must ask why not?" , and you will find at every turn the massive stumbling block that has always impeded our path has been whether or not we can afford it. BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can't afford not to do it! (See list). :detective:
Calming down now. Somebody get me an Excedrin. Time for a break.