
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 12:26 pm
Caroline;67701 wrote:
I agree with you in that no one parent should be the dominant but you say because of the mans devotion to his family etc that he should, (if needed), be the one to make the final desicion, but the woman is equally devoted. And if the situation means the male makes the decision then the woman is submissive and you dont agree with one being dominant? And i wouldnt be submissive to a man iether, it is exactly the same as you not wanting to be submissive to a woman. If both sexes are equal and the man, (if need be), makes the final decision based on his devotion, im sorry it just doesnt make sense?

They are equal in the work place only. A man and a woman are not equals. It is the differences that is so attracting from one to the other. If they were equals, there would be no attraction. It is coming to an understanding to the roles each have in the rearing of both male and female offspring. It is that ommunication that those "opposites" have that afford that balance. In that the male is the hunter, gather, breadwinner and the security that is the "home" is what earns him final say. In the final analysis, the mother would agree to that arrange meant for her most innate desire is to care for the offspring. I am talking about ideals her Caroline, not trying to rationalize the present reality.
Please take the entire context of what I have to say. In today's reality, I can understand why it doesn't make sense and that is what's wrong with this reality. Very little does make sense.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 12:29 pm
Yeah but William im quite happy to go out and hunt and gather and all that and im a woman? hmmm?
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 01:45 pm
Caroline;67717 wrote:
Yeah but William im quite happy to go out and hunt and gather and all that and im a woman? hmmm?

If you don't have children in the home, that's perfectly OK. If you do have children in the home, IMO I think it sad that you have to . I think that should be provided for you. As I said I love women and absolute respect the role they have in the universe we live in.

What is so missing in today's reality is the "courtship". Even saying that word today makes me feel like an old fart. Ha. Nevertheless it is a vital part of that male/female rapport that is so necessary. In high school, we called it "going steady"; which is the first commitment. In that period the truth begins appear as to who each other is. You begin to know each others families and all that makes up the other person. Not just sex appeal. In that courtship, when the true colors begin to come out, and hopefully there are none hidden, but usually they are, and if those are weathered and settled then and only then are future plans made. For instance if one wants children and the other does not, it should not continue unless the particular, very serious matter, is solved. Children should not be "accidents". We should never use our guile to seduce; if the match is a good one, there is no need for it. Seduction is selfish. It is used to secure something another has that you "want". Such as what NAMBLA is doing. Sorry, for bringing that up. For they are all about seduction. Once the courtship is settled the man and the woman form a bond and the planning for the home gets serious provided both want to have children. If each does not want children, that's all well and good. No problem. If the female were to become pregnant, the rules must change and all must go the the proper welfare of that child. AT NO TIME SHOULD A CHILD BE REARED IN A HOME IN WHICH THEY ARE NOT WANTED, BY BOTH THE MOTHER AND THE FATHER. In such a case the child should be put up for adoption to a family that can properly give him/her the nurturing and caring they will so desperately need. Is it right?Absolutely! Will it be hard? Absolutely! What must be done should be in the best interest of the child. They should not have to suffer for the faults of their parents. Bringing that child into an environment in which it is not wanted is the worst thing in the world you could do to him/here, other than killing them before they are born. As I mentioned in so many posts we are having entirely too many children for all the wrong reasons.

Education, as you and I both agree, is the answer. Abolishing abortion will not solve the problems that have been created. But it is a start. That simmultaneously with education is a good first step. The abortion is just a quick fix that provides band-aids covering our own ignorant mistakes.

I have not change my stance one iota and I never will. I am a true advocate of the child and I will die that way. The human being begins the moment the sperm enters the egg. That is life. I am definitely pro-life. Anyone who is not, just simply doesn't care for that life or anyone elses. Selfish desire is what steers their ship. I have met a few radical feminists and IMO, they are not happy campers.

I know it is hard for you to understand how I think, for I know I am a rarity in this world. Most are victims of this reality. It could be a lot better. (See list) I know this is more than you asked for; it's just one thing leads to another and so on. Again, IMMHO Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 02:10 pm
Yes but it's very rare that early/school courtships go on to marriage, (or a permanent relationship), most people would not settle down with their first love. And alot of people want to experience sex first without settling down or having a baby so what you're saying wouldnt work. As ive saind in op, adoption is not an option in the UK anymore, there are thousands of unwanted children in childrens homes so adoption wont work either because there is a serious lack of carers.
Dave Allen
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 02:13 pm
I don't get it either. If someone gets to be final arbitrator - then they are total arbitrator.

The only look-in women would get in such a set up would be dependent in the willingness of individual men to hear them out.

Hardly equal, really.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 02:22 pm
Caroline;67758 wrote:
Yes but it's very rare that early/school courtships go on to marriage, (or a permanent relationship), most people would not settle down with their first love. And alot of people want to experience sex first without settling down or having a baby so what you're saying wouldnt work. As ive saind in op, adoption is not an option in the UK anymore, there are thousands of unwanted children in childrens homes so adoption wont work either because there is a serious lack of carers.

I am very aware of the reality we live it. I just don't agree with it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 02:44 pm
Yeah niether do i but we all got to live in it.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:31 pm
Caroline;67773 wrote:
Yeah niether do i but we all got to live in it.

I believe "survive" is a better word. We haven't begun to live yet.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:54 pm
We have to look at the way, the bonding or not-bonding of male-female relationships shapes the wider world over many generations.

Its my sincere belief that pathological young men come from dysfunctional absent-dad homes. The less family unity, the more anti-social the children are.

It comes from the confidence (or lack thereof) that forms, what Freud would call, your 'super-ego', in the infant stages of a person's life : the synergy between emotional maturity and logical capacity.

Too many people just believe that to raise a child, you just have to buy them food, put a roof over their heads, and give them fancy gadgets when they are troublesome. Then kick them onto the streets after they have finnished school. "Get a job!"

Since the dawn of humanity, there has been at least one major war every generation or so. Society, generally just throws its problematic young men into the military, exports them to another country and goes off to pursue its own personal interests.

It seems clear to me that it is not only the lack of a stable family, but also the wider family, that fosters this 'devil may care' attitude in so many young men.

(But this is about women! - yes, I am getting there)

I also believe that it is a major fallacy to believe that marriages break down because men are 'Dawkinses' (or is that Dorkins?)

In my limited experience, it seems that women just up and leave when they are not in control of the marriage, as they always feel they can just seduce another man (and they normally can). And thus women feel empowered by their ability to destroy what is percieved as the male power structure. (Freud calls this penis envy).

Ironically, they actually are destroying their own power structure. Marriage not only benefits women most, but children and society generally.

The long term consequences, are pathological boy-children with fancy gadgets looking for trouble all over the place. In such a setting, women are virtually powerless. Except to coax the boys into the military and leave the rest to Pluto, Mars and Jupiter to sort out between themselves, whilst Perspehone makes an occasional appearance to be ravished when nobody appears to be looking.

And Hera weeps.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 10:10 pm
While androgens and estrognes (steriods) are found in both sex profiles, on average that male will naturally have a higher concentration of androgens than the female, and the female more estrogen. What is kind of interesting, is that the major estrogen, estradiol, is synthesized from testosterone by interaction with the aromatase enzyme.

Jumping across a lot of detail (since as pointed out above, it is kind of messy) these steroids act on a number of organs, tissue sheets, and so on, and of course that means brain build, as well. Sexual dimorphic differences in the normal XX and XY brain builds are rather well documented and accepted as certain--but there is that mix, and overlap, and those out of the mean patterns, of course.

In the case of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS; an X linked disorder), we have males with a 46,XY karyotype and who produce testosterone in normal or eleveated quantities, but have feminine external genitalia due to the inability of the androgen receptor to properly bind it normal ligands, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Of course, as nature is quite a stream of continuum, we can find various point mutations, and thus varying degrees of AIS.

Patients with AIS are reared as girls (sex of rearing) and usually do not come to any medical attention until menstration cycles are noticed to not be occurring. It is a genetic matter, and that also says a lot, in a lot of ways--for those who will stop and think very deeply on it. In a mega-case report review, it has been clearly demonstrated (as highlighted in early castration and estrogen administration cases) that the AIS (even the Complete AIS [CAIS]) will develop rather normal XY sexual orientation, libido tendencies, and penovaginal contact fantasies.

This is where my point (post #5, p 1), viz.:yet would question if we could not reposition our usual understanding of 'equality' to a point where--in the purer flow of nature--pair bonding is also about equality... comes into play. Before, actually, we are to really talk about gender, sexual orientation, and raising children, we would give nature--and by extension society at large--a better go of it by understanding what it is to be animal, and then, what it is to be H. sapien animal (like it or not, it is a continuum, you see).

Therefore even in pair-bondings consisting of those of same sex orientation (a phenomena observed in at least 1,000 and more species, so very much a part of nature) we must first look at the H. sapien. Following that, and even that much more so, we must look at pair-bondings consisting of those with non-same sex orientations as human beings first. The synergy in the family unit with this priority order is more wholesome because it works to eliminate one more 'in-group .vs. out-group' distinction which builds walls between social groups.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 03:12 pm
Hey, does anyone remember which philosopher made an experiment and raised a boy as a girl and a girl as a boy? And what happened to the boy and the girl? Okey, sorry my english sucked in this post, but I hope you get what I'm saying..
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 03:14 pm
No, I've never heard of it?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 06:50 pm
Lily;68106 wrote:
Hey, does anyone remember which philosopher made an experiment and raised a boy as a girl and a girl as a boy? And what happened to the boy and the girl? Okey, sorry my english sucked in this post, but I hope you get what I'm saying..

Are you talking about this?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 08:00 pm
Let me ask a question. If we have the technology to change a man to a woman and a woman to a man, is it not possible to determine if a male is hormonely imbalance at birth and treat that child so he he will better relate to his physiology? That makes much more sense. At least to me anyway.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 11:26 pm
I'm not sure that you are really asking the right question, william, because once genetic, genital, and gender identity are set, we have no way of changing that (which is basically why homosexuality was finally deleted from the list of disorders to be correct by psychologists...it's most usually (not always) just a result of natural flows). You see, all this hormone stuff is simply (and mostly) 'up stream' events from genetical events which build us, and set us organisms off on a cetain track. Enviornment and personal history will, nevertheless, have some effect, but case after case has taught us that there is very little chance of altering the 'hard wiring' after birth. It can concieveably be done during an en vitro gestation period (outside the womb), it seems.

But here, William, why try to force against the grain of nature, what is natural? This is one major reason why I see problems with the set-up you are insisting on, namely, that some (not all) elements of your proposition attempt to work cross-grain with nature itself. There will without doubt be some genetic and genital males who will be as good (and some even better) at raising children than some genetic and genital females will be. Therefore any attempt to blindly draw lines along what we see on the outside as being a gender, is not good enough.

Also, this will surely draw more focus on the idea of 'equality' in the pair-bonded setting--that is, equality between two human beings first and foremost. A number of applications can be made; one being that rather than acquiescing any role of 'final-decision-maker-in-disagreement-situations' on either of the two in a pair bond situation based on sexual state, we would find a greater leverage in rendering that role to the one of better qualification for the particular task at hand. In fact, that can be applied downward towards a fair number of decisions, can it not?

It is a natural fact that there will be the occasional woman who'll know more about tuning the engine than the man she may be in a pair bond with, and the occasional man who'll have a much better working knowledge of nutrition than the woman he may be in a pair bond with. . . so. . . rather than leaning on social norms of ages gone by that are steeped in misinformation and ignorance, would it not be better to reach out and attempt to work with what nature has given us?
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 12:54 am
do you know about thomas beatie, the transgender man who has given birth to two children? i assume it wasnt natural-as you are intimating in your post that what nature does is natural-and transgendering is done by man/woman as surgery.

wah; i just looked up david reimer and he committed suicide at age 38. boy raised as girl story written by john colapinto. what an awful story...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 10:24 am
KaseiJin;68207 wrote:
I'm not sure that you are really asking the right question, william, because once genetic, genital, and gender identity are set, we have no way of changing that (which is basically why homosexuality was finally deleted from the list of disorders to be correct by psychologists...it's most usually (not always) just a result of natural flows). You see, all this hormone stuff is simply (and mostly) 'up stream' events from genetical events which build us, and set us organisms off on a cetain track. Enviornment and personal history will, nevertheless, have some effect, but case after case has taught us that there is very little chance of altering the 'hard wiring' after birth. It can concieveably be done during an en vitro gestation period (outside the womb), it seems.

But here, William, why try to force against the grain of nature, what is natural? This is one major reason why I see problems with the set-up you are insisting on, namely, that some (not all) elements of your proposition attempt to work cross-grain with nature itself. There will without doubt be some genetic and genital males who will be as good (and some even better) at raising children than some genetic and genital females will be. Therefore any attempt to blindly draw lines along what we see on the outside as being a gender, is not good enough.

Also, this will surely draw more focus on the idea of 'equality' in the pair-bonded setting--that is, equality between two human beings first and foremost. A number of applications can be made; one being that rather than acquiescing any role of 'final-decision-maker-in-disagreement-situations' on either of the two in a pair bond situation based on sexual state, we would find a greater leverage in rendering that role to the one of better qualification for the particular task at hand. In fact, that can be applied downward towards a fair number of decisions, can it not?

It is a natural fact that there will be the occasional woman who'll know more about tuning the engine than the man she may be in a pair bond with, and the occasional man who'll have a much better working knowledge of nutrition than the woman he may be in a pair bond with. . . so. . . rather than leaning on social norms of ages gone by that are steeped in misinformation and ignorance, would it not be better to reach out and attempt to work with what nature has given us?

KJ, Please allow me to disagree with you. I understand something we have done in the past is what has created this genetic/gender confusion. I have no idea of what that may be, but to conclude that it is a "natural phenomenon is I think an erroneous one. That is what we have been trying to do is create the environment that will assume these masculine/feminine confusions is right as rain. I refuse to believe that. No matter how you try and make it scientifically "natural" and justify it. In a world that has no problem by and large with their masculinity or their femininity, to assume such is inherently dangerous. I am not saying that any decisive measures should be taken toward these individuals but I do think that resultant behavior should not be force on our young in any measure what so ever, if it is indeed a genetic/gender disorder. It is exactly what it is a "disorder" and has nothing to do with what is natural.
In my masculinity, I do not want to compete with any individual especially with a female. I love those opposites that make up the two genders. That is what is so "attractive" about them. We should do all the research we can to solve the disorder not accept it as natural order of the universe of which it is clearly not.

In my deepest wisdom, I feel the human body was never meant to be tampered with. And we have tampered the hell out of it which has "altered" it's malfunction whether it be the common cold, to cancer, to the subject we are discussing now. I also think it has enormous recuperative powers to regenerate on it own genetically over time that will return it to it's pristine state. We cannot try and alter that to our liking. The "wisdom of the body" will do that on it's own. IMMHO.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 06:59 pm
I do believe, salima, that I have come across an article on that, but to save my skin, I cannot recall which journal that would have been in... Do you happen to have any further details on that? I would offer here, however, that the basic identity sex had been female, and that either the internal female organ had actually been developed to some degree, or that it had been built in (which would be easy enough if the hormones were to have already been being coded for). Otherwise, I'd have to have the details of the case.

I do know of some other cases. That boy named John who had made some headlines back in the early 70's, and had become, then, Joan is the one you refer to in that second case. A physician's error in his earliest infancy had, through some deliberation, led to his genital being rebuild as female, and being raised as a female. Of course nature took its course, and he came to fully realize (gender identity) that he was, in fact a he. He went on to marry and so on, but, eventually he identified himself publically as David Reimer, and collaborated on a book about his life (Colapinto, 2001). But, as you have just found out, he killed himself in 2004, at the early age of 38. He had some bad turns in his life, really, really, unlucky. The whole piviot was that doctor's mistake on his circumcision, which rendered his male organ useless...and so the story.

Of course, William, you are very free to disagree. The question will yet remain as to which, or what, understanding stands more reasonable as the total degree of evidence that we do have is all correlated, cross-referenced, cross-examined, and shifted through. It is true, I'm sure you'll agree, that just because a person believes something, or comes to some understanding before having searched as thoroughly as possible, that such belief or understand may be contrary to fact--to whatever degree, little or much or totally.

If I am reading you correctly, you seem to be saying that humans have caused homosexual builds in all the some 1,000 plus species which display the exact same phenomenon? Did human activity cause the penguin population to have some homosexual members--running at about 6% (but not always permanent)?
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 07:42 pm
KaseiJin;68432 wrote:
If I am reading you correctly, you seem to be saying that humans have caused homosexual builds in all the some 1,000 plus species which display the exact same phenomenon? Did human activity cause the penguin population to have some homosexual members--running at about 6% (but not always permanent)?

No, you are not reading me correctly. I never mentioned animals. If you will remember, I do not correlate the human being with the animal in any respect what so ever. Never have and never will. In my opinion, to try and equate the plight of humankind to that of an animal is absolutely absurd, in all due respect. Once we stop taxing the mind in our "discovery" processes to "extend human life and explain human life", and start treating humans beings as human beings and not animals, the body will go into a "self healing" mode. I guarantee it. We have no idea of what life is, yet. We are still going through our indoctrination and orientation. The human being has never been flawed. All the damage that he has suffered, we caused that. All of it. The univeral paradigm of MAN/WOMAN/CHILD, is just that, universal. To effort to change that is a serious mistake. As I mentioned in another post, death is a washing machine. We have made some serious mistakes in our effort to survive. Truth is not to cure man's ill's but to eliminate that which cause his illness. When we drilled the first hole in the human body to figure out how it worked we began to contaminate it. We do a lot of things out of ignorance we should not do. That's what wisdom is all about. But we aren't very wise are we. Our greed for life stifles that wisdom. Please take no offense. The human mind/brain/body in sync will be all the medicine we will ever need. As long as they are out of alignment we will never understand what life is all about. Don't worry. we will get it right "someday". The more we try and alter it the deeper in dodo, we get. Ha. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Jun, 2009 01:20 am
KaseiJin;68432 wrote:
I do believe, salima, that I have come across an article on that, but to save my skin, I cannot recall which journal that would have been in... Do you happen to have any further details on that? I would offer here, however, that the basic identity sex had been female, and that either the internal female organ had actually been developed to some degree, or that it had been built in (which would be easy enough if the hormones were to have already been being coded for). Otherwise, I'd have to have the details of the case.

I do know of some other cases. That boy named John who had made some headlines back in the early 70's, and had become, then, Joan is the one you refer to in that second case. A physician's error in his earliest infancy had, through some deliberation, led to his genital being rebuild as female, and being raised as a female. Of course nature took its course, and he came to fully realize (gender identity) that he was, in fact a he. He went on to marry and so on, but, eventually he identified himself publically as David Reimer, and collaborated on a book about his life (Colapinto, 2001). But, as you have just found out, he killed himself in 2004, at the early age of 38. He had some bad turns in his life, really, really, unlucky. The whole piviot was that doctor's mistake on his circumcision, which rendered his male organ useless...and so the story.

Of course, William, you are very free to disagree. The question will yet remain as to which, or what, understanding stands more reasonable as the total degree of evidence that we do have is all correlated, cross-referenced, cross-examined, and shifted through. It is true, I'm sure you'll agree, that just because a person believes something, or comes to some understanding before having searched as thoroughly as possible, that such belief or understand may be contrary to fact--to whatever degree, little or much or totally.

If I am reading you correctly, you seem to be saying that humans have caused homosexual builds in all the some 1,000 plus species which display the exact same phenomenon? Did human activity cause the penguin population to have some homosexual members--running at about 6% (but not always permanent)?

hi KJ-
apparently he was born a woman and transgendered into a man. this is a link to articles about him, but nothing i see from any medical journal, so i will leave it to you which would be the most informative if you want to look into it.
pregnant man delivers child - Google Search
there are a lot of blogs talking about it, and something connected with 20/20 and a nydailynews, whatever that is.

so you are saying and it also looks to be so from the story about john/joan that gender is not only in the reproductive organs but even mapped into the brain before birth. but that there are varying degrees of maleness and femaleness, not necessarily a mistake in p rogramming. so that would mean there is proof that (with the occasional exceptions) there are some differences in male and female mental makeup-cognitive processes-all sorts of things besides the obvious physical. have i understood correctly?

i am trying to stay away from the subject of homosexuality because that is something else. i was hoping first to get a better description of the qualities of women as opposed to men in general, while realizing that they will vary from individual to individual.

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