What your looking for is the Graviton.
Just as validity mentions:
Quote:If the graviton is discovered, the concept of space-time will still work, but will fail to be an accurate account of the underlying reality.
The Graviton, though physically improvable, if proven still allows the laws of thermodynamics to exist. All we have to do is change our view point on reality.
Singularity, or the pre-big bang condition, attracts and coheres energy, specifically the energy of protons, planets and stars and we call this attraction Gravity. Gravity is shrink energy and I suppose gravity can be seen as the force by which singularity returns from its big bang super-stretched extension to its pre-big bang condition.
Energy in the form of mass coheres by reason of its singularity. Energy, alone of its qualities, is measurable, but cohesion, is a non-energy quality, and thus not measurable. Singularity is omnipresent but, from a time-space viewpoint, it appears to be located at mass gravitational centers, or gravitons. As there is but one singularity - the absolute whole and infinite set, all apparently differentiated centers are one. Since gravity is a function of singularity, all gravitational centers are one. Gravitational centers are variously differentiated in time-space yes, but one in singularity. The force of gravity is transfinite, in that it is a phenomenon of time-space, while being also singular and infinite. Gravitational processes are transfinite processes.
So all finite matter is transfinitely centered on a universal black-hole singularity that we are unable to prove. This singularity is what attracts all matter and this attraction is called Gravity. What is singularity? Singularity, the precondition to the big bang, is a condition of zero time-space, which has no mass, and since black holes process mass to singularity the mass of a black hole does not pertain to its singularity but to the mass which it is processing to singularity. It is the mass-less singularity which attracts all mass. The gravitational force is a singularity force and every mass has a singularity center of gravity. Each atomic nucleus is centred on its singularity - the Graviton.
Quote:Consider the singularity that is the source of the Big Bang. This object (if that is an acceptable word for it) must then be at absolute zero temperature (because there could be no electro/magnetic radiation). So, what should happen next?
Blogger is correct. At the start of the big bang, yes, the void was absolutely cold, and met the absolute heat from the big bang. This is what caused everything to split into positive and negative particles from that point on.