Good for you Andrew. It's the only way to really live - anything else is just passing through.
It makes sense to question how we might live forever as we're not just going to think it into reality, but why are so many people so negative about the possibility or even the desire for physical immortality? And why do so many assume that people who are going to live forever are not intelligent enough to realize that overpopulation might be a problem and actually do something about it - like take responsibility for modifying their behaviour around procreation.
This doesn't automatically mean that there won't be any more children, just that we'll figure out a way to handle the issue. Just as the longer we're here the better we'll be at figuring out the other problems too. Do you seriously think we shouldn't seek to live just because we don't have all the answers to all the problems that might ever come along?
It's this negativity and the apparent desire of many people to not only resist an idea, but to deny the possibility to anyone else, that holds back just about every advance. They don't believe it's possible, worthwhile or beneficial, therefore nobody else should. Everybody should die just like they want to seems to be the attitude.
Nobody has actually proved that we have to die, only that we do. What we do to ourselves, the toxins we subject ourselves to, particularly the toxic thoughts and beliefs we allow ourselves to give credence to, tends to lead to a deterioration which shows up as disease, aging and death.
I can't imagine why anyone who has a joyful life right now wouldn't want it to last forever. Do you really want all the people you love to die? You might believe it's not possible to live forever, but that's more or less the attitude most people have had to every idea that seems to contradict predominant social, religious or scientific beliefs. Scientific theories and religious beliefs are just that until proven otherwise, just as everyone - as Leonard Orr, the father of rebirthing, has said - is physically immortal until they prove otherwise.
What's exciting right now is how much interest the subject of physical immortality is beginning to provoke - how many scientists and progressive thinkers are considering the issue of indefinite life extension, not just from an academic point of view either. Many of them want it for themselves, which I guess is what's stimulated them to start taking the issue seriously. It also seems to be true that a fair number of the Baby Boomer generation isn't prepared to go quietly into that dark night either and are pushing for a different attitude towards aging from the scientific and medical community.
I think the most advantageous thing any of us who are physically immortal can do is surround ourselves with other people who feel the same way and are actively pursuing an unlimited life rather than passively accepting the culture of death. We need to come together to build life in this world apparently devoted to promoting death.
The point is, until we recognize that every person is uniquely valuable, and act as if every individual is more important than any belief, race, gender, nationality or any other difference or desire, rather than just pay lip-service to the idea, death will continue to be treated as an acceptable trade-off for maintaining the status quo, for pursuing the imposition of a belief, or for securing a desired commodity or piece of real estate.
If you really have a desire to live without death, get in touch with James Strole, Bernadeane and Charles Brown of People Unlimited. They're the only people I know who have been living and speaking physical immortality for over 40 years. You can check them out at
People Unlimited promote unlimited life
Not only do they actively promote unlimited living, they provide news updates and references to the subject from people as diverse as Howard Stern, President Clinton and Ray Kurtzweil. More importantly they provide a focus for people who have the desire to live forever - a community of people who are creating an environment together that promotes such a living - and a continuous inspiration for people to break out of the straight jacket of a death oriented consciousness.