VideCorSpoon wrote:ummm...LOL! Your are right! An atom can be divided! In your own words, the atom is "no[t] so indivisible anymore." My bad!
Now that the idiosyncrasies are out of the way... I am still eager to hear your position on your theory.
Hehe we all get caught like that even me.lolol
Well to me I understand chemistry, electricity, physics, computer, etc..
TRoN to me is the over anchor of life..
ToN is the radix that connects tron to tron ton to ton and visa versa...
We speak ground theory or what ever..
The big point is the singularity we are tied to...The underlaying forces tie is to null.. Between these forces we hang in time..
Since time is to me the blackhole that anchors our galaxy we are indeed the white (information) part.
If you have watched my video..
I am saying that TON is the underlaying fractal design where TRON is the Macro design.
They are in the strings...
My video shows just by pulling equal on the strings we can create a mass wobble like that of a blackhole...
The more tight I pull the more balanced it is...The more mass on the Macro Scale the more pull from the Hole.. TRON and TON are both of white fyi..not the same as the dark forces at be...
Did that make sense?
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