Fair enough, brosky. Although I do not agree with your un-warranted threats, I will go along with attending to the issue 'at hand'.
There is only one 'tough' philosophical question, and it has only become 'tough' because it has been taken for granted and 99.99999% of the people on the planet refuse to acknowledge it.
The toughest 'philosophical' question is: Who am I? This is a question which is
asked without seeking a explicitly provable answer. It is asked seeking within the most dark, cruel and unknown area of all existence,
it is asking about who you really are. Now as you know this 'area' is often neglected, swept under the rug, and taken as something which is 'already known'. You go own through your life 'feeling' like you have an 'inkling' of who you are because should anyone talk to you, you have the 'ability' to carry on a (half) meaningful conversation.
In other words, you're not a retard, you don't just drool when confronted by others. You give acceptable 'speeches', this gives you security. But until you start to question just 'who' it is that is aware of 'all this'(yeah, even right now) who you are will be swept under the rug and you won't have a say in your life. In fact, all you'll be able to do is 'bitch'(pardon my french) to other people about the 'mess' you're in, by doing stuff like, oh I don't know, trying to get someone banned on a message board somewhere(don't get hung up on that).
In closing, my only goal in participating in the forum is to provoke curiosity within those who are curious. If you have any questions I would be glad to answer them, however if you find that after reading this you have the urge to pile up your 'reasons' for another argument against me(as all the rest of your posts have been so far) then I suggest you resist that temptation as I will not be responding.