No, not "Prizzi's Honor," but if you were to run your fingers over the ivories, you'd be warm.
Sarcastic piano player? Fabulous Baker Boys?
Merchant Ivory? Surviving Picasso?
(Can you tell how clueless I am about this quote?)
oooh, maybe you're right, Raggedy...
"Five Easy Pieces" is correct -- I should make the clues a bit more arcane? Jack Nicholdson to Karen Black as she comes into the motel room.
Your clues are just fine, LW.

It was Mac's answer that made me think of Jack Nicholson.
She wants shoes that will walk on air Peter. This afternoon. Well, she'll have them. I wish she had asked me something really impossible.
"Hans Christian Anderson" with Danny Kaye, with the story of the cobbler and the elves?
You got it, Equus, but I believe it was in reference to Jeamaire's request. (The ballerina Hans fell in love with who was to appear in The Little Mermaid. )
I remembered something about ballerina shoes. It's been years since I've seen that, I was lucky to remember the line.
"If this picture had love interest, it would gross twice as much. All right, the public wants a girl, and this time I'm gonna give 'em what they want.... Listen, I'm goin' out to make the greatest picture in the world -- something nobody's ever seen or heard of. They'll have to think up a lot of new adjectives when I come back.... I'm going out and get a girl for my picture, even if I have to marry one!"
King Kong was on not too long ago, Equus. That's the only reason I remembered it.
"The Warner Brothers are making a whole talking picture with this thing, The
Jazz Singer. They'll lost their shirts."
Yes!!! Singin' in the Rain is correct, Fealola.
Oh oh. I new this would happen eventually. Do I have to cleverly tie in to the last one or is any quote okay.? Any special rules?
I think the only rule that is set down here is that you have to answer a quote before you ask one.
Okay! Thinking, watching! ( Not the quote!)
"That's tough seeing that for the first time. Well, you turned out. You can't protect 'em forever. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. Natural Law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers"