Nope. Not Popeye or Shawshank Redemption.
.................You know this comedy kids!
"Who does your taxes?"
Not Duck Soup
"Who does your taxes?"
A Night at the Opera
Animal Crackers
Nope. Not A Night at the Opera or Animal Crackers.
" Who does your taxes?"
Young Frankenstein
The Producers
The In-Laws
(I'm thinking "funny")
Not Young Frank, the Producers or The In Laws. Yes it is a funny film.
"Who does your taxes?'
...................ya'll want a hint?
Now, I'm seeing a guy asking some sexy babe.
Clue, please.
"Who does your taxes?"
...............said by a very very shaken up Rick Moranis covered in marshmellow cream.........................
:wink: Yes to Ghostbusters!
Hope you didn't strain yourself, getting in here and into your pose before I hit the door.
(Golly, you all need a hint already?)
Hope you didn't strain yourself, getting in here and into your pose before I hit the door.

Yes, a clue would be appreciated by me. I don't know about the others.
I'll wait for one more response and then give a clue.