Apologiesapologiesapologiesapologies-sowwy- I forgot
" I noticed you were giving me the silent treatment at lunch. I guess I deserved it. I've been thinking about my three year plan and I think it's unworkable. I must have been delirious. "
I loved this movie; favorite scene was when Kathleen Turner's character first talks to her grandmother and has to drop the phone, run away crying...so, it had better be:
I kinda like it too-I liked the way Nicolas Cage talked and also when Peggy Sue saw The Edsel for the first time- " My god you bought an Edsel ", whilst all the time her dad thought it rocked !!
Oh yes you are correct
Oh, yes, I thought that bit was hysterical as well ... why do I always focus on the heart-tuggers? Anyway:
Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.
Yes, Mac, you are correct

, your turn!
"That's too much power for one man to have."
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. "
Well, I'm certain that's from a 'Star Wars', but, without googling, I really don't know which one ... can someone clarify which one and then take it with the exact correct answer?
Yup, that line is from Star Wars 1977. Obi-Wan said that to Darth Vader
Thanks, max, good doggie! Now, you get to give the next quote

Yes, Sweet, Star Wars is correct.
Well, thanks sweetie! Don't mind if I do.............easy one------->
..............." Owen loves his mama, Owen loves his mama, Owen loves his mama"
Throw Mamma from the train
" Those are harsh words to throw at a man, especially when he's walking out of your bedroom "