No, or if it is, it's not the film I'm going for!
(Note to self: be sure that About Schmidt is on my Netflix rental queue...)
I just saw it. sooooo sad. I must remember to have my wits screwed tightly about me the next time I take on a picture with the potential to evoke the kind of pathos this one did. I was down the rest of the day.
Yes to American Beauty, sweet...
It don't matter what you tried to do, you couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! And I always will be.
I'll sit this one out - I just saw this one recently, so I'll let someone else guess. ....unless it starts to look like no one will ever get it.
ok, you knuckleheads; Snood just gave you guys another clue . . . if you follow the film forum at all :wink:

apologies, eoe: no, it isn't "Ali"
I know the answer, but to be forthright, I have never even heard of this movie before, so I'm not going to post it.
You've never even heard of the movie before, but you do know the answer? Wow, I wish I could do stuff like that

Amazing, eh? I just followed the clues.
yeah - amazing doesn't even cover it...
Dadgummit!...It seems like I heard those words in the last few days. It would have to had been on cable.
No, Booman, not on cable yet; perhaps you saw an ad for the DVD on cable. (everybody: that's another hint!)
Okay, asserting my sweet, rather than my complicated, side, here is another quote:
I was born in prison two months after my father was murdered
Now, I know someone will get it, right?
Hey: Boo!!!
naw, that's not it either; here's 2 more quotes:
What is that on your face? and
I could eat.
I have to go away from the board for several hours but will check in late this evening. If no one has gotten it by then, I could describe the movie or c/p pictures or, maybe give up? Nah, I'm no quitter! See y'all later.