Close: "A lot depends on who's in the saddle." Can't do the smirky drawl!
My wife? Good God, she left me. I wish you'd follow her example.
It was just a shot in the dark, anyway . . .
It was actually a nice guess
leave it to LW
you are correct
"Tell me what you want me to be."
"I can be anything."
no idea
although theres a tug at the gray matter, its just not properly filed I think
Yes, Yes , Yes to Touch of Evil. Your current quote is VERY familiar...

Familiar is fine, but no cigar.
I was watching the Biography channel yesterday and a snippet of a film came on and I caught part of a conversation between one actor (unknown) and Walter Matthau which went as follows:
Unknown Actor: "When was the last time you had sex?"
Walter: "1981"
Unknown Actor: "Was you wife alive at the time?"
Walter: "I hope so".
Anyone any idea what was the name of the film and who was the unknown actor?
Guess No. 1 - the Genie in Aladdin
With three guesses, do we get a hint?
Anyone know Tommy's? BTW, you have to answer a clue in order to post a question, T.
Good idea, Raggedy.
Guess #2: Kathleen Turner in Crimes of Passion
No, not the right answer but the characterization isn't that far off.
Tommy, I believe your quote is from "Grumpy Old Men" and Jack Lemmon is the other actor.
Quote: the characterization isn't that far off
in my guess? or Raggedy's?
I'm sorry -- your's, macsm. I can see how Raggedy guessed the genie but it's very far off.