Holiday20310401 wrote:You cannot remove time by removing your measuring tool of time. Or can you? What if time was like this random oscillation. Oscillating in a pattern that recognizes duration, and random in that it actually can be divided into parts.
Actually thats silly.
Maybe time is random and flowing but in relation to different environments that we don't have perception to. We really only experience the macro world, and so time seems to flow at a constant rate. And maybe time can be conveyed as a bell curve. Its randomness increases when perceived farther away from the the maximum point, being the normal macro reality we normally perceive or have adapted to. As we get more into the micro world, and to the macro macro world there is therefore going to be more randomness in space time. Flow is a perception of order and so if it becomes more random to our perception as we get more into micro/ macro macro worlds then we do not have all the variables to see that order, "intrinsicated".
A way around this is by adding more dimensions that are not as 'strong' in our normal reality.
Subjective time must therefore be the answer if time is represented through flow/randomness via bell curve.
And objective time must therefore be the answer if time is represented through flow/randomness via exponential/linear trend.
But I guess that doesn't really answer the question.

Well when you said "You cannot remove time by removing your measuring tool of time. Or can you?"
The answer is no you can remove the conciuos oberservation or experince of time, mainly for two diffrent reason's.
The reason why it is yes, is due to the fact of the physical feeling of "Time fly's when your having fun", that feeling is caused when your mind lose's preception of time around it's body, therefore 1hour could seem like 10min.
So in a way the body had lost it's measurment of time and therefore it's perception of time was alterd, and therefore so was time, since time is really just a perception of observation by the mean's of sight, sound, feeling, smell, thought, and taste. So without those Six founding mean's of gathering information in the mean's of observation of the world around one's self, you could not experience the "Time", AKA like when your asleep, hence when you are devoided of conscious thought, sight, sound, feeling, smell, and taste, time truely fly's.
Personaly I have created method's to emulate the effect's of "Time fly's", by limiting the information that my body gather's, hence it's a form of meditation, that invoke's a sleep like state.
(*Note those method's are NOT for public use, so I will not post how I limit that information)
Now, the reason other reason why it's no...
The bodie's tool's to observe time is it's information that "Flows" from sight, smell, taste, feeling, thought, and sound, therefore if a person remove's all six of those, they would no longer experince time, yet everything around them would still experince time. Yet if the person prevent's or slow's the flow of information from those six, then they would alter there perception of time, and therefore making 1hour seem like 20min.
Yet if you cut off all six... simply you can compair it to sleeping, one second you are awake the nexted second your at your desk at work typing at your computer.... (yet you would have to pre-program your self to run in sub-consciuos mod... so you can be conciuosly in a dream and sub-conciously your body would be at work doing what you normaly do every day... In a way it's related to a form of controlable sleep walking.
Yet once again that is beyond humanly power
(*Note I'm also working on method's to emulate such :detective:AKA sleep walking, Ive so far only been able to grab a cup of water nexted to my bed and drink it, since when i go to sleep it's full, but when I awake it's empty, and I have no memory of drinking it...since all six were concoiusly enert.)