This is an interesting thread...some interesting thoughts in it.
I'll add my own analysis (because I do think relationships, obtaining them and keeping them, is worth analyzing...it can help us better understand ourselves and our partner(s)) and hopefully not overlap too much
Quote:Why is it that some men regardless of their social, economic, or any sort of apparant material deficency can get the vast majority of women? And some men regardless of the same set of material deficencys or assets can get no women regardless of effort? This is a dilema it seems that I fall into the second category and I am wondering How it is that I can move into the first. If there are any women here please Enlighten me and us men in general
I have several male friends who are in the same boat: By most matrices, they should have women lining up at their door to snatch them up and yet they remain dateless day after day, year after year.
In observing them, other people, and studying a little psychology and sociology, I've concluded a few things.
1 - To claim there are simply these two categories is over-simplifying the situation. There do appear to be these two categories, but there are subcategories of each as well...and each subcategories has it's parallel subcategory in the other category. Chances are if you are able to move from Cat 2 to Cat 1, your shift will be to the parallel. Likewise, a person can shift from Cat 1 to Cat 2, and it's usually to the parallel.
2 - The subcategories of Cat 2 appear to be (but are not limited to) the following fellows:
- Mr. Ego
- Mr. Creepy
- Mr. Boring
- Mr. Woe Is Me
- Mr. Too Passionate
- Mr. Lack of Confidence
- Mr. Self Underestimated
- Mr. Desperate
Usually these archetypes come in packaged deals, but there is a primary "trait".
All seem to come with the last guy there, Mr. Desperate. And Mr. Desperate is really very complicated...The trick to Mr. Desperate is that women can smell it (and likewise, men can smell it on women...when everything is boiled down to it's elemental features, neither men nor women are terribly complicated...you just have to contemplate -why- a person is doing or not doing something and you'll probably have stumbled across an almost universal "truth.").
So Mr. Desperate rears his head in each of the other subtypes of Cat 2. Desperation is not a lack of confidence, but it can be perceived as such because of the other traits a person has.
It's also worth noting that these traits are incredibly complicated and pervasive...and usually are traits that close friends and family won't even notice because friends and family are more likely to see the flip-sides of them.
So if you really are Cat 2 (which is sounds like you probably are, based on your personality), figure out which subcategory you are and then analyze what it is about that subcategory that is unattractive to most (if not all) women.
If I had to guess, based on your personality in this thread, you are probably the classic "Artist Geek" make-up: Mr. Ego, Mr. Desperate, Mr. Self Underestimated, and Mr. Woe Is Me (all in varying portions).
Now remember that each of these traits have positive flip-sides to them...they are all both attractive and unattractive (hence is why it all seems so complicated).
The key to moving from Cat 2 to Cat 1 is recognizing that Mr. Ego doesn't have to be so concerned with how he is perceived by his potential ladyfriend - that he can relax, stop trying to impress her so much and focus more on who she is rather than who he thinks she wants him to be; it's seeing that Mr. Desperate's flip side is indeed love in its purest form - an acceptance of oneself as well as of one's ladyfriend and of everything that goes into that relationship...and letting go of the self-doubts; it's knowing the Mr. Self Underestimated does not become an ego-maniac just because he gains a backbone and shows pride in himself and his work; it's knowing that Mr. Woe Is Me has been too much of a focal point in his life and figuring out how to be happy with what he has been "given" in life.
Make sense? I hope so :p
(Incidentally, the guess really is a guess and may not reflect you at all...but I'm hoping that in explaining those traits' flip-sides a little bit it might make more sense how the others work as well).
One more thing: With true confidence comes a sense that you're fine on your own - it is that lack of desperation which is particularly attractive to a woman, rather than the confidence itself. It's the knowing that she will be your world, but that your world is not codependent on her existence. That is, that your world has more geographic regions than simply her.
Hope it helps!