I like V because of the movie V for vendeta
I have Skizoaffective disorder Bi-polar type. It is caused by a lack of seratonin and an overabundance of dopamine in my system. It results in a manic depressive affect with insueing psychotic features. E.G. Halucinations in all five senses, racing thouhts, delusions of multipile natures, parinoia, and breaks from reality. Not to mention insomnia, panic, chronic anxiety and others.
I am also an alcoholic and an addict. My pancreas and my liver do not digest alcohol and drugs normaly. This results in an alergic (abnormal) reaction that manefests in alcoholics and addicts as a craving. This craving causes me and thoes like me to be virtualy unable to drink or use moderately ever. My brain also produces a chemical called THIQ this results in an obbsessive personality and compulsive behaviors in relation to durgs and alcohol. So to sum it up I can stop once I start and I cant stay stoped because I cant stop thinking about it. No control no choice.
The use of drugs and alcohol do effect my mental state but they are not the underlying cause of the disorder it self (According to my doctor). The one catlyizes the other and the other catylizes the one. But if one takes things seriously and dose what one needs to to take care of the disorders one can live succesfully as I am now.
No I am not a doctor but I love medical science particularly psychology.
Alcoholics and Addicts of my type are 1 in 10.
Skizoaffecives are 1% of the population.
I also have ADHD and dyslexia.