vajrasattva;90341 wrote:
But people as of late have been rather a dissapointment to me. Why is it that intelegence being the factor that sets us appart from the animals, and has allowed us to rise to this level of untouchable on the food chain, goes so unvalued by the vast majority of the human race? I'm not only speaking of myself here (and humanitys seeming undervaluation of me) but of the race as a whole. We seem to think that strength, power or social acceptance is what brought us to the top instead of our minds. A lion most social of a cats wouldnt hesatate to eat the most IN(socialy speaking of humans. Obama with his cabenet of politicans would fall into the same class as justin timberlake in the realm of the lion, and mike tyson would lose the match as well. So what is it that kept us from falling prey to the lovely lion. Our intelegence for starters.
I think people are just more emotional than they are intellectual, that is, they are more impressed by someone who can sing well or looks very good than by someone who is very smart. Sad but true =)
But I am under the impression the few who are more intellectual than emotional end up being pushed into command positions where they keep the race from self-destroying, but are also free to do whatever they want. I suspect this is why whenever there is a revolution the social situation of the country doesnt improves much.
vajrasattva;90341 wrote:
These people, dim witted as they may be, (as in the case of a man with downs syndrome some compassion is indeed nessasary), have bastardized themselves and all of our ancestors with their complete devaluation of intellgenece in a micro, macro, meso and metacosmic scale. All of them have fallen victim to the delusion that no world but theirs exists. This inherently narssistic tendencey within the human species (especialy the 1st world one) will be our undoing.
Indeed people seen to care too much about thenselves, have objectives in their lives that only concern thenselves. People's plan is to study, get a money wielding job and have a happy life with this money. But not everone can be rich, and not everone can have a money wielding job =) (money wielding as in: gives a lot of money)
vajrasattva;90341 wrote:
As a person that places no value on money, due to the fact that happiness is an internal attitude not and external aquisition. I as such hold no value in a social setting. Sad but true. I pray for the welfare of these hopelessly ignorant beings known as humans and hope that someday we will rouse from our lethargy and assertain the true nature and value of what it is we are. It may take a nuke or two for that to happen (unfortuneately).
I agree with this concept of happiness, it comes from inside. As long as whatever you are doing outside doesnt bores you to death (dont think many people locked away in dark rooms are happy) you can be happy.
Its not impossible for intellectuality to be valued though, if your ideas are good structured and strong enough to pierce the heads of those who enter in contact with you, they will come to respect you and be thankful to you for teaching then. My favorite (and actually only writer I know well) writer, Douglas Adams, became a fairly respected person just by writing good stories and making smart avaliations of the world.