Press TV - Israel urged to attack Iran within the year
I think one way to understand this specific conflict, is through political realism.
The reason that i would use this specific theory is based on the definition of the pursuit of the nation state, Power. Since i have defined this, its would be easy to understand the conflict from a perspective of anther nation state out side of the region. The best to fit this criteria is western european nation's and U.S. and Canada. I will explain this from the perspective of the United states in the theoretical blanket of international realism.
American near east policy in-short:
First we assume the United States is taking a foreign policy that is in sum:
1) protect the homeland
2) stoping Eurasian power powers
3) minimize problems maximize benefits
4) Protect petroleum
5) ( MAIN OBJECTIVE) stop a threat to the homeland
Then we must understand what we must do with Iran in relations to our interest.
1) Protect Oil
2) stopping near east power wars
3) creating diplomatic ties with specific countries, to minimize problems
As we can tell, Iran as a nation states wants to become achieve some regional hegemonic status. This can be explained through cultural and historical reasons that center around 1953-1979, then to current time. Along with the Shiite narrative in the sunni dominate middle east. In relations to Israel, it should be obvious that Iran wants to have nuclear weapons to match the Israeli power complex(similar to what happened to us vs ussr). If we look at the Islamic republic's record with international relations, it has not started or declared war. Yet, it has created a proxy war with Israel to obtain credibility with all the neighboring nations. Proxy wars were seen in one other modern day conflict, the cold war. Because of mutually assured destruction, No nuclear war was created.
If its is agreed that theoretically to keep less conflict with the U.S. directly, the U.S. foreign policy must accept an Iranian nuclear weapon program. If we did this then diplomatic ties would be created and U.S. oil would be easier to obtain.
One point to add- If America tries to create Israel as the military hegemonic presence, then it will maximize conflict, and minimizes benefit relations to conflict.