I saw this thread a few days ago; started to reply, then aborted it and it hasn't much left my head.
For me, I'd take it. I realize that there would inevitably come a point where the concept of eternity - in this form - would become unbearable and the existence would much more resemble a cage than any sort of freedom [1].
That being said...
... when I think of the thousands of places I could spend even just a few years at, the billions of people I could relaxingly take time to get to know, the knowledge I could gain, the possibilities of what a distant future might hold, it's all too alluring to pass up. What's more, thinking about a condition where "I couldn't die" brings with it a cacophony of experiences I could safely experience. My gosh... what possibilities!
Yea, I might very well come to regret it. But the draw to such potentials is far too tempting to pass up.
[1] Despite its limited literary value, Anne Rice's 'Vampire Chronicles', throughout its several volumes, touched on this 'unbearable' nature of eternal life quite introspectively. Very nicely too I might add