I knew what ya meant when you said damned, I was just playing with the word. Blinding me to what? That your opinion is different than mine? I can see that. I am not Elect because I believe in God. I am Elect because I believe God. There's a difference.
You plucked the story of Job out of the bunch and say this story illustrates that God has no love...? Let's go back to an earlier story though, the story of Adam. God protected Adam. He stuck Adam in a garden of bliss. And what did Adam gain from it? Nothing. Adam couldn't grow in mind and understanding while in paradise, cause Adam was just a spoiled child. Only once God booted him out of the Garden did Adam begin to learn anything. Cause hardship teaches us. Ask anyone who has ever truly suffered, they'll tell you the same thing.
It really puzzles me how people think that because God allows hardship and suffering, he must not love people. I have children of my own, and though I try to shelter them as best I can, I know full well that in its own way, sheltering them is the worst thing I can do to them. Cause they have to learn. What, is taking them and sticking them in a sterile enviroment where they'll never ever be hurt by anything a better idea than letting them go out into the world and learn things for themselves? Sure they're gonna get hurt out there, but they'll enjoy it a heck of a lot more than being barred in a room where they couldn't get hurt. We do bar people away in a room where they can't get hurt for their whole lives sometimes ya know, but it ain't because we love them.
And this is every aetheists idea of God, that me must be a sicko because he didn't bar us away in a room where we couldn't get hurt. Umm.. whose the sicko exactly?
Where did I say that I don't believe the old testament? Without the old testament the new one hardly makes any sense. It's all the bible, ya can't have one without the other. It's like any story, it all leads from the beginning to the end. The law of the old testament, that is the ten commandments, the covenant, and everything else there that constitutes "the law" in a biblical sense, establishes that man needs a saviour. The new testament offers that saviour and fulfills the law. Fulfills as in finishes, fulfilled as in the end of a contract, which is exactly what the covenant was. So when I say the law is ended, it is ended for me, as in, it no longer applies to me, because I already believe and am already saved.
Now, why I'm explaining this to an aetheist, I have no idea...? Maybe because you brought it up by saying that I don't believe the old testament. You find what I say offensive, obviously, or else you wouldn't call me filthy. I find it humourous that aetheists get so offended by believers. If I were an aetheist who looked down on believers, the way you obviously do, (uumm... whose the elitist again?) I wouldn't even deign to talk to them, cause I'd think they were so foolish and so nutty that it would be a waste of breath (or typing in this case) to bother with. But yet you bother. Perhaps because you think that you have something to say that is actually worth someone else, a perfect stranger even, bothering to read. If that's true, I should think we are both elitists, in our own way. So, either you think you're an elitist too, or don't bother replying. Cause if you're gonna say something that's worth me reading, you're among the few. (Say it, say it, God Solace is a snob!) Are you sure you're aethiest?
Didymos, I ain't gonna argue the veracity of scripture. Ya either believe it or ya don't. Where it comes from hardly matters when set beside whether or not it makes sense. If you're able to read through the "contradictions" as you put it, and still find something in it that is enlightening, then good on ya. If not, that's cool too, it hardly matters to me. But don't forget, you explained it yourself, why the bible has apparent contradictions. If you accept that and move past it to see if there's anything there worth paying attention to, cool enough. If not, then oh well. Your loss or gain, depending on your perspective. Since you seek to discredit the scripture, I can pretty well guess that ya figure it's your gain.