The thing is, Ike, I don't even really see where you two disagree. He says that the sun and sky deities were both artifact and artificer. Ok.
Is that such a false statement? The identification: I made this...followed by a question: who made that? (rather than: who made me? - why is "me" in this case necessarily the
original object of the thought?) is a perfectly plausible genesis for the idea that David Hume later chopped in half - that something exists implies it was created by cause-effect in the same way that man interacts with reality (tools, art, etc.) in a causal way (ie. that every "thing" is created by an act of "willing" and does not simply exist). As if prehistoric man was so introverted. I take him for just the opposite, a state of being from which he has been gradually "saved" by religion.
Perhaps an error of perspective: a god trying to see his reflection in the sun, only to find that it blinds him instead?
I will the creation of this spear (yes, it could have happened a long time before art); therefore something must have willed the creation of that awe-inspiring warm ball of light that I can't touch. I'd better be careful not to piss that something off. Hmmm...well, I've got nothing better to worship, so I'll worship the thing-in-itself as a symbol of the creator. Besides, it's warm. Don't forget that I'm just a troglodyte here. Later on, I become more spiritual and realize that no visual symbol can do it justice, so I'll say that my prophet on the mountain was only able to see God's ass.
Voila! The evolution of the priesthood. The eventual question: Who made me? - may well have been the last one asked rather than the first.
I don't see the "who" vs. "why" duality here as anything more than a skip over the brook. They need not be opposite values. As if there's a huge cognitive gap between "I made this spear" and "I made this spear because I'm hungry". "Why" is a backwards extrapolation from "because", not the other way around.
At any rate, we're talking about two different cognitive leaps here. The intelligibility of the question "why?" probably took form among the clever apes as soon as the existence of outside perspective was achieved. Even chimps can follow a pointed finger to its target rather than staring at the finger like a cat. "Why?" was a key to predicting the actions of other apes, and is probably a very, very old question in its genesis. But that doesn't mean that it always attached itself to some religious significance. In fact, that means there's a very good chance it did not - that "why?" came long before religion.
"Who made this?" seems something, else, entirely.
I don't think either point of view has to go down with the ship here.