Fido - I didn't ask about life. I asked how far you take your statements; from your response, I take it you find my questions to be of little value.
Quote:Truth is not an absolute, but a relative value.
How relative is 1+1=2? What is it relative to? For something to be relative, it must be relative to something. If truth is relative, and the truth of 1+1=2 is relative, what is this logical truth relative to?
Quote:Impossible is never impossible. We do the impossible every day.
Then impossible has no meaning. The obvious bit is that impossible does have meaning, and there are impossible things. If nothing is impossible, physically leave physical reality. Obviously, this is impossible. Do we do impossible things everyday? Such as. Tell me something that man is not capable of doing, that man does.
To express any given truth, we have to use relationship - relationships of concepts and ideas. If we have mutual understanding of those relationships, of those concepts and ideas, then we can produce true statements which can be understood and agreed upon.
Even if we do not agree on those relationships, those concepts and ideas, our lack of agreemtn has no influence upon the truth. If I say a frog is green, and you are ignorant of frogs and the colors green, the frog still may very well be green and a frog despite your ignorance.