Deckard;125320 wrote:I've also heard platitudinous people say that death gives life meaning. I can't swallow that one either without a big cup of irony.
It seems to me that irony is key here, and that's why comedians make excellent philosophers. I love Nietzsche most when he's tossing off one-liners. If only one could write the vortext...
Hegel criticized the irony of the Schlegels in his book on Aesthetics. I suppose he did so because he was a man on a mission, the type that always resents the non-committal joker/ironist.
What is the carrot of the asinine ironist? Is it his own future or in-progress greatness? Is the ironist pregnant with future-self, the self that will finally escape the anxiety of influence? Is this why Nietzche compared himself to a female elephant?