Quote:What is it about this proposition that entertains you so? Please try not to put words into the mouths of others that they do not own.
what does that mean?
im not tryin to put any words in any mouths or own any others..
Im confused with the way you arranged your words boagie
i just don't see the human race as unintelligent because they don't control population
i believe anything that happens is supposed to happen i guess, so your presentation of argument, the way you point out how things shouldn't be this way towards nature, is unreasonable to me because things are this way
i told you I believe all is one
yeah even the 'business side' of mankind is an expression of the absolute
and we voluntarily incarnate into the optimal conditions to further our lessons.. 'wretched' conditions too
wretched conditions or conflict as i like to call it is especially important to us
Christianity is here and has alot to offer everyone just like any other quality in your life
even a Christian knows the value of conflict
you cannot know a quality completely without first knowing what it is like without that quality
what is light without darkness? u must know both in order to understand the quality of light
life being separated must be known in order for us to know eternal life and separation
you can look at life this way or i guess you would call it a delightful delusion of some sort but I don't
because everything happens for a reason even the way we view nature right now!
i call finite syllogistic logic a delusion
its a strict belief in the senses which doesn't explain the infinite aspects of life
and i know its completely unreasonable in your form of logic but it isn't in mine
you said something like:
"The type of reality that is dangerous is one that does not concur with physical reality."
cohesion exists, love exists, empathy exists, compassion exists
these are not finite qualities and are not exactly physical
there is no way to measure them
even you experience them i am absolutely sure of it, boagie. so can you rationally and logically measure them? no. then why believe that life in its entirety can be 'reasonably' explained? it cannot
but back to population control
population control has been getting ever more present
due to economic efficiency shaping the earth
abstinence, birth control, technology advancements in forewarning of diseases and disabilities
all these fields are moving up along with economic efficiency and used to never exist as they have now
its supposed to happen
why? because it is happening
i guess your getting your wish because population control is increasing
we are realizing we are the masters of our own population and the masters of our own genes and the masters of our reality
where do i think these views on nature will take us?
the earth goes through cycles of ice ages
the occurrences of ice ages increasing over time
because the earth is still releasing the heat inside of it and it takes so long for it to reach the top of the surface
gas gets pumped out of volcanoes due to this movement of heat
at first the volcanic release of gas cools the earth
but once all the heavy particles settle back onto the surface and stop reflecting solar rays from the sun we see the greenhouse warming effect which creates more rainfall and cloud cover and water surface area in general
which water being very reflective only reflects more and more of the suns solar rays until it begins to cool
this continues until the cooling effect offsets the warming effect and evaporation stops taking place completely
it continues to grow colder and colder
the warming is a precursor to the cooling