SpeakerChef, Didn't mean to avoid you. Trying to get some other things set up. Thanks for your patience.
speakerchef wrote:
This energy that your speak of
How could we know that it was benign? Couldn't a disease be from malignant energy?
It is easy to assume that the universe was created with love due to the results love produces. Love creates balance so yes, I believe that it is benign. We can perceive this benign energy however we wish. Man can turn something very positive into something very negative with his perception which would send out negative vibrations into the universe and just as cells seek out like kinds to build communities, so would the person. So essentially disease could be transferred from a parent to a child, (for example).
Quote:Is there only one type of energy underlying everything?
I believe there is. I believe this is what is believed to be God. Science will eventually come to the conclusion that there is an energy and spiritual side to everything that happens in life. Science will come to the conclusion that it's something they are unable to measure yet discover.
Quote: If, as I think this theory stipulates, if matter is just a rearrangement of energy couldn't certain arrangements negatively react with one another?
I'd definitely think so. When cells in the body start to live in fear or are in a community that is breaking up, they will abandon the community. Just like human communities. Remember, every single cell, has the exact same systems as you do. It's organism of energy that receives energy based on perception.
Quote: What is 'energy of perception'?
Hmm... Well you perceive things... it's all energy. I'm not exactly sure how to answer this one. Energy is moving all the time. Your perception will attract energy.
Quote: Love and hate are concepts that are too abstract for our cells to understand.
Correct for many, I disagree. Communities of cells is what builds our body and controls our physiology. Just as human communities build their cities and structures, cells work in the same fashion. If the cell receives negative energy of fear and obstruction, it must adjust accordingly. These cells go into a mode that is not growth prohibitive and will even change their structure to adjust to the environment... Just as you and I will adjust to our environment. If those cells have formed a community, then they are as one cell and the negative perceptions will effect the entire community.
The body will change to accommodate our thoughts and perceptions. Our communities will change according to our thoughts and perceptions. Our physical conditions will change according to our perceptions. Our entire world around us will change accordingly to our thoughts and perceptions.
Quote:I tell myself diabetes is good, it won't make somebody I know better. If they tell themselves diabetes is good that won't keep them from dying. Sure there are miracles, but by definition, these cannot be explained. Not every optimist conquered cancer.
Diabetes is not good. Telling yourself doesn't necessarily change your perception. Their perception is already formed that diabetes is not good, so telling someone doesn't help. However, what imbalance within the body caused it? If the communities of cells maintain your body, they experience life through our perception.
Similar to a fetus in the womb of a mother. The fetus is experiencing life through the perception of the mother.
Quote: Why would our cells be impacted so directly by how we feel in regards to hate and fear?
Through the signals that are sent. Through the environment we provide for them. It either stimulates growth and productivity or the opposite.
Quote:Do you stipulate that our cells can perceive love and hate? How?
Yes. Either positive or negative. If negative, then negative effect. If positive, likewise.
Quote:Furthermore, if a person fears something, do you think that they and their body will curl up and cringe and accept (or produce according to the theory as I see it) a disease? Wouldn't it make much more sense to fight back?
If they are coming from a perception of fear, that fear is usually connected to our conditioning. Where did that fear come from? Who taught us to fear this certain thing. If we perceive fear, then the signals of our perception will emit fear. Like seeks like and builds a community. It's like certain communities in society have black clouds hovering above and many people are stricken with health problems or diabetes. The community as a whole is effected.
For instance. When my family decides to get a dog, we go to the dog pound. Many of the dogs in the pound come from a position of fear. This fear sends signals to every system in their animal bodies. When we first bring a dog home from the pound, it's an animal and wild. We have had dogs run as soon as the door opens or disobey and mess up the house.
Through training and most of all, showing them love, they begin to perceive their world differently and adjust accordingly. After a year a so, our dogs become near perfect pets because they've had a paradigm shift due to their perception of their world changing. It's actually an amazing thing but it's similar to that in Human life. We will adapt accordingly.
Now you mentioned fighting back. Of course our cells will fight back, just as we would fight back while under attack. Think about it. When our country or world is at war, we are building up mechanisms to protect ourselves. Our energy is focused on the fear and during this time, it's stops the productivity of growth. We cannot be preparing for battle and continue growing because the growth will cease. The energy is spent in preparation for something we fear and our communities will adjust accordingly. Love will promote growth and balance and fear will promote death and destruction.
Quote:Elizabeth Kubler Ross often pointed out that there was a period of denial as reaction to tragedy. Wouldn't this denial obliterate any 'disease'? As rado says "The reasons for such illnesses are not deeply buried in the subconscious, as you may think. They are much closer to the conscious mind". If this disease is at the forefront of our minds, denial would demolish terminal illnesses in common reactions.
Does denial change perception? What if the perception was something that was instilled during the nurturing part of your childhood? The answer is in undoing what has already been done.
"You're just a dumb kid, shut up!". Prior to a child having a consciousness, this kind of statement would send negative energy to the child and once it's perceived, (action), there would then be the reaction. In cells, fear and anxiety break up communities and stop growth and communication. It could take many years, it could take one, but coming from a perspective of fear will produce and attract that in which we fear. Our bodies will adjust, our cell structures will adjust, and then we will communicate into the universe that energy and that energy will attract the like. Then there become support for this and that's why birds of a feather flock together.
Quote:I believe in a human nature that doesn't give up and go home when they are afraid. I believe in a human nature that will fight back. The theory (as I see it) shows lack of courage on the part of humans and their cells.
Human nature is to believe what our parents taught us and what the world teaches us. Humans fight back because of coming from a position of fear. When you are afraid, you put up defenses. When you are not afraid, you are open and grow. Just like that of the cells within the body. Remember, they are very similar to humans because they have all the same systems that we have. Their thoughts however, come from the universe. The energy we emit and attract over and over again.
Quote:Rado, I agree that you will feel happier, and I think it is important to take a positive approach towards health. I am of the school of thought that "It only hurts if you think it does", but in reality this does not work. It's merely a method to make the pain easier. You will be happier, but you will still die. You may even prolong your life through the psychology of it all.
"but in reality this does not work.". Now take a person like yourself and try to tell them any different. You just stated that you agree about feeling happier is positive but in reality it doesn't work. It will never work for you because that is your perception. Saying and doing are only actions to satisfy the ego, but the perception hasn't changed. How will you ever know if it works if you already believe it doesn't? You see, it's all in perception.
Quote:Lastly Justin, Descartes could get away with confusing science and philosophy, but contemporary philosophers cannot. It is impossible for science to prove something philosophical, otherwise it would cease being philosophy. The two disciplines are too different in methodology for this to occur. I feel (I know feeling isn't right here) and think very strongly on this particular point.
Why not. there's really nothing confusing about it at all. The problem is science is limited to the 5 senses and the mechanics of it all. Religion is limited by faith in something we were conditioned to believe in and simply builds edifices between mankind and his creator. Philosophy is much more than a study but an unfolding from one paradigm to another. The problem is all of these things come from one and are all connected through things that we cannot see.
Science will bring it to a point where they can prove that it's something that cannot be measured. Religion and Science will eventually come to a point where they can work together in the same community and it will be philosophy that makes it possible. Philosophy applies to the scientist as much as it applies to the monk or the hooker on the streets. Philosophy is directly related to perception and perception is what controls the results.
The answer to all of this is knowing of the cause of all effect rather than dealing with and trying to patch the effects. We know cells are controlled by the energy we receive, and that energy is a constant flowing source in all creation. That creation is love and balance which isn't what we're conditioned to believe or accept... so ultimately, our communities will have disease and other various problems directly based upon our perception of our reality.
I don't know that this was the best way to articulate my thoughts but whether they are accepted or not, they are my thoughts and my perception and therefore my reality. We can build and have balance with love or destroy with fear and hate.
It all comes down to the individual perception. Just as a drop of water raises the entire ocean, the thoughts and perceptions of a few individuals can raise all of humanity.
... Can I be done now?
Look forward to the responses.