Is the globe (our planet) a living thing?

Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 03:53 am
Sometimes when I look up in the daytime sky and see the sheer blue vibrancy of the air up there I think that our planet is itself a living thing.

Does anyone think that the earth is a kind of living being?


And sometimes when I look out at night upon the stars I think that they are Cosmic Wild Flowers. Which would imply that the Universe itself is a living thing.

I wonder is the universe also alive?


They say that someday computers will posess life. And that would be a non-biotic form of life. I mean, maybe we should be looking at artificial life from a different, more philosophical view point? Maybe we should look at A.I. from a more metaphysical or Cosmic perspective?

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts about it.

-- Pythagorean


I have come from the spring woods,

From the fragrant solitudes.

Listen what the poplar tree, and murmuring waters counselled me.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,318 • Replies: 21
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Electra phil
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 05:24 am
In the search for life in the universe, "science" (as in NASA), had a difficult time coming up with a definition for the word "life" in their current extraterrestrial investigations.

Here is an article to illustrate:
SPACE.com -- The Meaning of Life

My work is with a small earth and space museum. We have on exhibit many rocks and minerals from deep inside the earth. We also have meteorites from space.

In my personal life, I am a hiker and hobbyist photographer. Having spent many hours with all of these things, and then adding to the mix my personal "experiences", I can say that the truth has been simulataneously relative and absolute. Relative truth is not the same as absolute truth and both are unfolding to me everyday.

On some occasions I feel an extraordinary scrumptuos delight with the wonders of earth and sky. On other days, I feel disillusioned as if it is all simply a hologram based on polarity, resistance..smoke and mirrors, if you like.

You speak of AI with future sight. There is an interest there for me, looking at nanotechnology and projecting potentials for both "good" and "bad". We look at technology as if it is something seperate from ourselves many times. An aversion to nanochips or AI arises within me due to a kind of carbon-based elitism, which is really based in fear of the unknown. A fear based in "loss of self" which I also currently believe is immortal and can change shape and form.

In thinking of the possibility of ET life in the universe, I witness an experience of Oneness, as if there are future selves, manifested through various levels of evolution, going on for infinity.

I don't think one can answer the ethics surrounding these issues, without looking at one's belief system in depth.

It seems imperative to understand if there is such a thing as the individual soul somewhere here in this conversation. And also to ascertain if the basis of this reality is consciousness, light, electricity, a dream, a hologram, etc. I have noticed that the level of the accepted scientific world view, is directly related to beliefs about God, soul, existence, etc.

Science is in the midst of another revolution. One that has not happened like this for 500 years (I think anyway). With the merging of science and spirit, what will we really proove? Will this "new science" again be revolutionized in future centuries and become another theory that was founded "in the dark"?

If historically we have shown ourselves that we never truly arrive... is the 'real arrival' acceptance of a mysterious unknowable?

And why do these kind of conclusions drive the human mind to know and know more....

Many times during the day, I shut off my computer in a recognition that I have "gone inside" the internet and become lost within it. As if I have "done something", but in actuality, nothing in my "real life" has happened at all. My compuer and I are One. I have consciously forgotten that It is a machine and I am a human being. It is an invisible adjunct to my mental processes!

I have had innumerable shifts in consciousness that have been wonderful and also spooked me. After all this, (for sanity's sake!) I must "bring it back home" and become extremely simple minded or at least simple. I touch my daughter's face, walk on the earth, watch a sunset, look at the moon through a telescope, and then fall asleep with sheer mental exhaustion from another day of wanting to know and being unable to do so.

I am learning to articulate these things and it may be a long time before I make any sense. So I hope you all will bear with me and my attempts! Smile
Electra phil
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 07:31 am
@Electra phil,
Was in the shower thinking:

"Take a beautiful simple idea of gratitude and wonder and turn it into an intellectual search for ultimate truth."

Philosophy will be the death of me.

Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 08:19 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
Was in the shower thinking:

"Take a beautiful simple idea of gratitude and wonder and turn it into an intellectual search for ultimate truth."

Philosophy will be the death of me.


I just want to say (for now) that with good long hot soapy showers, and good sleep at night, and with maintaining our health we may be able to, with the help of science...to live out some moments of our lives in beautiful and meaningful, if not too dark, metaphysical experiences.

Electra phil
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 08:25 am
Pythagorean wrote:
I just want to say (for now) that with good long hot soapy showers, and good sleep at night, and with maintaining our health we may be able to, with the help of science...to live out some moments of our lives in beautiful and meaningful, if not too dark, metaphysical experiences.


They say when you are ready the teacher appears.

I have a great (and inexplicable) affection and admiration for you.

Have a good and simple day. lol

Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 10:35 am
@Electra phil,
It seems quite obvious that the Universe and everything in it is alive. It wouldnt exist if it wasnt produced by a ''living'' thing, this is even if the thing being examind is now no more that 'space dabris', hulks of space waste.

My understanding is that everything is part of a type of living cycle. Such as water; Cloads rain, the water soaks into the earth, finds its way into the water table, then into a stream, then a river then the sea, then evaporated by the sun into the atmospher. A natural irrigation system. The same can be said about Supernovas, we came from stars (made 100% out of star dust).

So then if the whole universe in 'active' constantly working to 'generate and transform' itself both on a cosmic magnitude, and on a simple level at the same time what of us? It would seem that the universe doesnt do anything without a reason-so do we have a reason?

The other day at work, I had an appithany. I glimpsed the infinate universe of cosmic mass and space. Then mud on an insignificant world, miraculously billions of years later consious of the magnitude of the universe. Are we the conscience of the universe, the final and ultimate 'awearness'. A White Dwarf can not comprihend itself!
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:05 am
@Electra phil,
Electra your writing is very impressive. I don't know if I can measure up, but I would like to try and make some response here as these topics are very juicy indeed.

Electra wrote:

It seems imperative to understand if there is such a thing as the individual soul somewhere here in this conversation. And also to ascertain if the basis of this reality is consciousness, light, electricity, a dream, a hologram, etc. I have noticed that the level of the accepted scientific world view, is directly related to beliefs about God, soul, existence, etc.

It has been said by Leibniz that the smallest particles of being are 'monads'. Leibniz's monads posess awareness. And the human psyche, or soul itself he says are composed of these fine and changeable monads, as is ultimately the natural world around us (matter).

(I have speculated that the universe is eternal, that the atoms and particles of matter were also once people, just as we ourselves were once tables and chairs and particles of matter. man may be reincarnated as a physical object.)

I think there is a potential symbiosis, or potential 'sets of equalities' between the being of the Universe and the inner being of the mind which is to be found in experience. And that this 'equality' between the monads within the soul and the monads found outside in the material world of representation accounts for metaphysical "experiences". Emerson calls the recognition of this phenomenon of the interaction between inner-psyche and the natural world - the 'oversoul'.

Generally speaking, there is a Cartesian gap between body (science) and mind (soul), into which the definition of life has fallen. It seems to me that one has to look to speculative philosophy to fill this gap between the hard sciences (with their strict demands of empirical verification) and the more personal experiences of the psyche.

Among the medieval scholastic philosophers, prior to the advent of scientific studies, metaphysics, or first philosophy, was known as the "transphysical science" on the assumption that, by means of it, the scholar could philosophically make the transition from the physical world to a world beyond sense perception.

I believe that through a causal study of the sensible things (in which I am aided by the sciences) I can reach a cognition of the gods (or a unity of my mind with the many minds of the gods - for I believe an intelligent, metaphysical 'field of multiplicy' is at the heart of nature - and the attempt to duplicate that 'field of the gods' with the help of science in my life is the way I strive for this union). And that the achievement of this is the purpose of metaphysics, or first philosophy.

As I said before, I believe that if we focus intensively upon one thought or one concentrated chain of thoughts, then it should be shown to us that our thinking can have a bearing upon the outside world of nature.

Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 02:23 am
pilgrimshost wrote:
It seems quite obvious that the Universe and everything in it is alive. It wouldnt exist if it wasnt produced by a ''living'' thing, this is even if the thing being examind is now no more that 'space dabris', hulks of space waste.

My understanding is that everything is part of a type of living cycle. Such as water; Cloads rain, the water soaks into the earth, finds its way into the water table, then into a stream, then a river then the sea, then evaporated by the sun into the atmospher. A natural irrigation system. The same can be said about Supernovas, we came from stars (made 100% out of star dust).

So then if the whole universe in 'active' constantly working to 'generate and transform' itself both on a cosmic magnitude, and on a simple level at the same time what of us? It would seem that the universe doesnt do anything without a reason-so do we have a reason?

The other day at work, I had an appithany. I glimpsed the infinate universe of cosmic mass and space. Then mud on an insignificant world, miraculously billions of years later consious of the magnitude of the universe. Are we the conscience of the universe, the final and ultimate 'awearness'. A White Dwarf can not comprihend itself!

I believe there exists a higher species than man. A species whose confines lie within the heart of nature.

And our goal as a society and as a species is to gain this 'universal habitat of the gods'.

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Electra phil
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 05:01 am
Pythagorean wrote:
Electra your writing is very impressive. I don't know if I can measure up, but I would like to try and make some response here as these topics are very juicy indeed.

It has been said by Leibniz that the smallest particles of being are 'monads'. Leibniz's monads posess awareness. And the human psyche, or soul itself he says are composed of these fine and changeable monads, as is ultimately the natural world around us (matter).

(I have speculated that the universe is eternal, that the atoms and particles of matter were also once people, just as we ourselves were once tables and chairs and particles of matter. man may be reincarnated as a physical object.)

I think there is a potential symbiosis, or potential 'sets of equalities' between the being of the Universe and the inner being of the mind which is to be found in experience. And that this 'equality' between the monads within the soul and the monads found outside in the material world of representation accounts for metaphysical "experiences". Emerson calls the recognition of this phenomenon of the interaction between inner-psyche and the natural world - the 'oversoul'.

Generally speaking, there is a Cartesian gap between body (science) and mind (soul), into which the definition of life has fallen. It seems to me that one has to look to speculative philosophy to fill this gap between the hard sciences (with their strict demands of empirical verification) and the more personal experiences of the psyche.

Among the medieval scholastic philosophers, prior to the advent of scientific studies, metaphysics, or first philosophy, was known as the "transphysical science" on the assumption that, by means of it, the scholar could philosophically make the transition from the physical world to a world beyond sense perception.

I believe that through a causal study of the sensible things (in which I am aided by the sciences) I can reach a cognition of the gods (or a unity of my mind with the many minds of the gods - for I believe an intelligent, metaphysical 'field of multiplicy' is at the heart of nature - and the attempt to duplicate that 'field of the gods' with the help of science in my life is the way I strive for this union). And that the achievement of this is the purpose of metaphysics, or first philosophy.

As I said before, I believe that if we focus intensively upon one thought or one concentrated chain of thoughts, then it should be shown to us that our thinking can have a bearing upon the outside world of nature.


Dear Pythagoras-

I hope we do not have a communication gap, in that I am only able to speak about these types of topics from a subjective (ha!) experience.

Finding much of what you say to be true, I reflect back on all the sacred texts and other writings and methods that I have studied with the purpose or desire "to become free".

At the time, I did not know what this meant in terms of experience, emotions, thoughts or the outcome of manifestation of gross material or subtle energetic reality/realities.

What I simply felt was for some reason I was not free. I had an all-encompassing sensation of oppression. It was not even clear from where this oppression was originating. But the thought that I was not free and the idea that I could in some fashion become liberated, began to consume my thoughts, intentions, and activities. There was also a much more grand and noble idea that if I could find this passage to freedom, it could be shared with my fellow man and lead to an active participation on my part, to eliminate suffering for all I came across!

There were several years spent with sacred texts that indicated passage from the world of suffering, darkness, this "oppression" (for lack of a better word), to a place where one became enlightened, in rapture and ecstacy, joyous, happy, AT PEACE.

Most of these texts made it seem as if it would be almost impossible to achieve this desired goal. That it would take a very very special and disciplined person, willing to walk through the fires of hell (so to speak), fight demons and shadows, the death of the self, ego, I....an unflinching attitude to experience more suffering than it seemed a "regual person" was going through in their "mundane" life!

So having these tendencies to "see what happens" and a real go getter attitude, I began this investigation into this idea, not really knowing for certain if it was true or even possible.

Having tried all these various methods, initiatory paths, elimination of desires (through fairly ascetic means), meditation, "brain" and consciousness exercises, etc ad infinitum...the desired goal was not achieved. However, there was a certain kind of conditioning that did transpire that perhaps "prepared the soil" or insert your favorite metaphor here.

Now this is where I am getting back around to a point that bolded in your previous post. You are encouraging a "casual" investigation. I think meaning if one would just have these idea of searching for the subtle with an engagement in nature, one would eventually find it.

So this is where I share the next part of my personal journey.

After the period of all this "spiritual work and discipline", there was a point where due a huge loss, I was faced with a real ultimatum to get out and DO something, or lay there and die from grief.

This is where it gets good (for me at least ; ).

"I took a walk in the woods".

With My Great Unhappiness in hand, I began these hikes in nature, taking photographs along the way. Quickly, it became apparent that this natural connection was what was lacking in my life. Natural systems, wildlife, habitat, etc was a previously unknown world that illustrated through its very workings, how to heal, move, and perceive without words (ha ha), how to see with my heart, where to "find God" and eventually led to the AHA moment of realizing the freedom from the previously perceived perception of oppression.

This goes back to another post in which you indicated a meditative approach on form and its amazing potential to release a person into process of ascension.

To comment on your ideas about the Oversoul and Monads, this natural experience did lead me to have the Oneness experience, and even the loss of self, and the idea that I do not exist at all. Well, not in the way I had previously known myself to be.

If all form is based upon these 'smallest particals of being' I think at some point I stood in that sea and said oh, I have become paradox.

Now I am going to attempt to bring this whole post home to one of your ideas as to whether the planet is a living thing.

In all this working and searching, it was clear to me that this journey of awakening could not be to service the illusory Self. If this work was going to be accomplished, it would have to be given back to something other than an idea of "personal salvation". I get these ideas from a subtle Judeo-Christian upbringing that says we die on the cross for the suffering of sins, kinda thing. Take that metaphor very lightly but deeply...

If it is true that one can realize this oneness of all things through a simple experience with nature, simplicity and silence, I think a component of that realization is about the ability for a certain kind of magick, a creative potential that is somehow able to "change the way things are" in this world.

This is the part of my journey where I am. If I were a "magician" say, I have understood many of the innerworkings of unseen realities, but have not found the formula for executing change in my surrounding environment.

There is also a degree of uncertainty in what manner this is to be done--or IF it is to be done at all. For in complete oneness, should there be complete peace with things just as they are? Should one go about trying to save the world from itself?

If the planet is indeed a living being, and we are inexhorably part of that living being -- the nature of our relationship indicates what appears to be a huge responsibility!

It could very well be that in this area I am still confused. Perhaps it is a delusion to participate in the changing of this world. Perhaps it is good enough to continue the work of simply moving with natural systems and "being a still light of peace". This morning, I do not know.

Maybe even the whole point is to exit from this womb planet...

Because of my "profession", it is part of my daily activities to read scientific assessments on many global issues. From this perspective, many days the state of the world seems very grim indeed. Ecosystems are on the verge of collapse, wars go on as they always have, starvation, etc -- all the societal woes that seem silly and easily fixed with the right perspective and attitude-- simply go on as if the entire world is blind to the injustice of it all.

In these discussions I am often given the advice to "just be happy and grateful" or "do the best you can". Perhaps it is just as simple as that!

Anyway, this post is a lot of words, which I do not believe ultimately holds the highest value in this Work. But this morning it seems necessary, for I feel a special attraction to you--which I translate as your "magnetism" in which I am to learn and emanate.

So I thank you so much for hearing me out. I would like to spend some time reading the authors and ideas you cited, so that I may have a more intelligent and maybe impersonal approach to our conversations.

The idea of being a metaphysician excites me beyond words. lol
Electra phil
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 05:14 am
@Electra phil,
Wanting to leave a bit of the "natural wonder" in this thread...


Electra phil
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 06:39 am
@Electra phil,
Back again so soon you say?

Well, I just was sent this, and thought it fit in well here.

The intro, in particular...any thoughts are welcome.
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2006 07:54 am
@Electra phil,
A wonderful film. But it reminds me of Louis Armstrongs song ''Wonderful world'' which when I listen to it, it always seems 'hoplessly optimistic'. Ever seen the Bruce Willis film 'Twelve Monkeys'?

Pythagorean, Ive heared that theory before (another high intelligents out there which is completly linked with the universe and of which we should aspire to as its our fullist purpose) but their is always the strong possibility that we are alone in the universe, and it is our Souls purpose.

Im not sure, however I agree that we could have been chairs and table, litturely, as for one humans came before anything was made by us, it could be possible that your table and chairs where once human though, so be careful when you sit down next, that is someones face! lol
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 02:18 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
Dear Pythagoras-

I hope we do not have a communication gap, in that I am only able to speak about these types of topics from a subjective (ha!) experience.

Electra, you are so positive, personable and outgoing and it really shows in your writing. You are for real. Don't stop it, you really seem on the right track to me. Your posts are like internet sunshine.

As for me, I feel that I have to keep trying to express the possible relationship between inner psyche and outer universe in different ways, to remain as objective about it as I can. Sometimes it comes out looking a little confused.

But Leibniz's concept of the monad (like the Pythagorean concept of the monad) and Emerson's concept of the 'over-soul' are just things that have inspired me in the past, they are things that have facilitated my philosophical trek.

Electra wrote:

"I took a walk in the woods".

With My Great Unhappiness in hand, I began these hikes in nature, taking photographs along the way. Quickly, it became apparent that this natural connection was what was lacking in my life. Natural systems, wildlife, habitat, etc was a previously unknown world that illustrated through its very workings, how to heal, move, and perceive without words (ha ha), how to see with my heart, where to "find God" and eventually led to the AHA moment of realizing the freedom from the previously perceived perception of oppression.

Electra, I'm real glad you found a way out of the Great Unhappiness with hiking and nature. You're a real treasure.

I just would like to clear one thing up. I said that in order to reach ascension we must do a causal study of our sensible environment, not a casual study. A causal study asks how something is made, how did a thing come to be scientifically.

I believe that the scientific definition (scientifically defining the composition and the possible construction) of things like man made objects as well as natural phenomena, helps us to locate and develop the subtle detailed connections which may exist between self and environment.

Electra; wrote:

Anyway, this post is a lot of words, which I do not believe ultimately holds the highest value in this Work. But this morning it seems necessary, for I feel a special attraction to you--which I translate as your "magnetism" in which I am to learn and emanate.

God bless you! I wish you strength and light in your travels.

Electra phil
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 02:44 am
Dear Pythagoras - The next time someone makes the comment "is this chick fer real???" I will refer them to this thread.

It is wonderful to hear that you perceive I am on the right track. I honor you and respect your view.

I have spent a little time with the author recommended. Of course I have read all the transcendentalism before, as it was required reading in my Catholic Prep School (lol). But Leibniz I did not know.

If any thoughts arise -- you will be the first to know.

Have a great and simple day. Smile
0 Replies
Electra phil
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 03:42 am
pilgrimshost wrote:
A wonderful film. But it reminds me of Louis Armstrongs song ''Wonderful world'' which when I listen to it, it always seems 'hoplessly optimistic'. Ever seen the Bruce Willis film 'Twelve Monkeys'?

Pythagorean, Ive heared that theory before (another high intelligents out there which is completly linked with the universe and of which we should aspire to as its our fullist purpose) but their is always the strong possibility that we are alone in the universe, and it is our Souls purpose.

Im not sure, however I agree that we could have been chairs and table, litturely, as for one humans came before anything was made by us, it could be possible that your table and chairs where once human though, so be careful when you sit down next, that is someones face! lol

Hi Pilgrimshost- Had a giggle at your "wonderful world" remark.

Have you ever read James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh?"

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

I have not seen 12 Monkeys. If you feel it would be interesting to do so, I will take your recommendation!


0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2006 08:38 am
Wonderful thread and truly and inspiration to us all. This thread in it's entirety truly sets the stage for what is to come of this forum. I cannot say enough.

As a Man Thinketh is something I've read and it is highly recommended reading. I've also heard that 12 Monkeys is something to see... I may have to go and get it.

There's so much to respond to in this thread that I don't know where to start...
Electra phil
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 04:38 am

Good morning-

Divisive thinking is a big problem. Realization of unity and connection is another problem as well.

I think now is a time for the unity principle to be realized on all levels: man to man, man to earth, religion to religion, country to country, dreams to waking, subconscious to conscious, microbe to galaxy, thought to feeling, spirit to body.

Could it be this simple realization could solve all the world's problems? This may be a new thread. There is a tendency for one seed of thought to lead to many flowers.

However, I think this answers the original question. Is our planet a living thing?

Thank you Pythagoras.


Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 05:26 am
@Electra phil,
Good morning Electra.

That's a pretty rose. Did you take the picture yourself?

Electra wrote:

I think now is a time for the unity principle to be realized on all levels: man to man, man to earth, religion to religion, country to country, dreams to waking, subconscious to conscious, microbe to galaxy, thought to feeling, spirit to body.

That's quite ambitious.

How about the unity of spirit to 'rocks'; or spirit to 'water'?

-- Pythagorean
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 05:37 am
I guess it's just that I feel I have more in common with inanimate things. You see I have become a hylozoist.

In my former life I was a proud stone.

Electra phil
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 06:00 am
Pythagorean wrote:
I guess it's just that I feel I have more in common with inanimate things. You see I have become a hylozoist.

In my former life I was a proud stone.



Part of my work involves creation of sacred space with stones, water, fires, etc. So I would be hardpressed to disagree with you.

In American Indian culture there are "fences" built around sacred places, such as cemeteries, which in actuality are not 'logically constructed barriers' to keep people out.

They are, instead, thought of as "beings other than people" and are said to be alive protectors of these spaces.



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