boagie wrote:Kennethamy,
What are you talking about, Brother? Things can be objectively true, but only subjectively known to be true. There is no meaning to the objective/physical world that the subject does not give it. Kennethamy, did you just pull the term brother out of the air, you seemed to be challenging me with a term you thought I had misused?:eek:
My knowledge that Quito is the capital of Ecuador is not subjective (except in the sense that it is my knowledge). It is quite objective, since it does not depend on what I believe. I know that Quito is the capital because it is, in fact the capital, for unless it is, I could not know it is the capital.
The term "brother" means "a male sibling". It is objectively true that English speaker use the term "brother" to mean male sibling. You are using the term "brother" in a different sense. Switch the example: the term, "father" means, "male parent". It is objectively true that "father" means male parent.