@Article bot,
Shania being like the rest of us humans, is doing like the rest of us do, if he asked for the divorce because of another woman, that is a real kick in the heart and the self esteem, but by the looks of the guy over the years, he was lucky to even have Shania.
From what l heard he kept to himself and he was overly possessive over Shania and that must have been hard since she was a star but the first ONE big sign was having her move to Switzerland into seclusion into that mansion in the alps with only family allowed in along with music reps and etc., so my bet is , he became even more reclusive, (l am thinking bi polar or some mental disorder) and she was having problems handling it as he was becoming more and more harder to get along with and she finally had to get out and realized once she got out that she and her little tot could not go back and so did Mutt. Both of them being heart broken just knew it was over because no matter how hard they had tried over the years, things were getting worse and they knew that nothing was going to get better.
And so people that is my end of the deal of what went down and we all wish that there were no broken hearts for anyone, but unfortunately, there is and we all suffer and it is the strong that survive, so keep strong everyone and come here when you have a broken heart and l will help you through it as l have gone through it many a time. No one has to be alone ............. Chell