Welcome home, engineer.
I'll bet it feels good to put that spreadsheet away!
No more counting.
So, how does it feel to wake up in your own bed again?
Does your home territory feel kinda strange after India & China?
(That always used to happen to me after travel adventures in Asia. I couldn't believe the
space! And almost no one to be seen on the streets! Ghost town.

Sunday 13th May, 9:3a am, Melbourne ....
Sitting at my computer, wearing bulky woolly sock & a big woolly jumper, drinking tea ....
Cold & wet & not very inviting outside.
What will I do today?
I think I'll continue with the Big Tidy Up.
I am making wonderful progress!
Even washed all the curtains yesterday!
Today I am going to try to get rid of
all unnecessary paper in what I call my "study" (ha). This is a big task which I've been putting off for some time. Not looking forward to it, at all.
But it'll be great when I'm finished.