I get the big dilation on 6/6 - with the whole smegeggy that goes with it (visual field), yet another look at my rods and gathering of whatsits. I've gotten complacent in that the original retinitis pigmentosa and all it's folderal hasn't ostensibly worsened since diagnosis - unusual in itself, but still rp. (Last tested, it took me 45 minutes to adjust to dark, not tested since I've been here, doubt it's changed). The glaucoma from an early surg screwup has also not gotten worse (it did but got fought back with after nineteen types of drops to try to bring pressure down in those post surg months). So, I go in expecting no trouble but also wary.
But I just love this doc. If he ever leaves I'll be desolate.
One of these days I'll have to fill out one of those inquiry letters where you check off approval or disapproval... just a sentence saying look at a letter I have yet to write about how good he is. I watch him being kind (but not obnoxiously so) to patients, including police prisoners.
Meantime, I never did check out the soccer site he is following re his daughters' interests. (He liked my soccer scarf with italian words, thus the conversation, plus an idea for him to give as a gift; that was in December.)
He talks fast, appropriate for me, and not down. He listens. He answers. Discusses nuances of what I was getting at. Never acts uninterested.
Tsar, let us know when you are home safe and typing.