The Hills is a hideously shallow and obviously scripted reality show produced by MTV. It is often recited as one of the reasons
They hate America. And if the characters on the show is the only exposure to America and Americans the terrorists and detractors of the US get then I can see why
They hate America. I don't condone their abhorrence towards this repulsively shallow and overly materialistic microniche part of the US population but I do understand why they could jump to conclusions by watching 2 minutes of this abomination of a television show.
That's why the following satire is so adorably perfect:
The actors and actresses of the television show are the worst I have ever seen on the boob tube. I hold no creed to their excuse that the terrible acting is just an intentional attempt at ironic bad acting. And the kids on the short reenactment are more convincing then their teen/twentysomething counterparts.