Wed 14 Apr, 2010 07:28 pm
I have two litho prints from Morris & Bendien Inc. N.Y. They are numbers 43301 and 43302. One is named Pioneer Days and the other is Peace and Plenty. Each of these appear to be signed by Paul Porter. Does anyone know how old these are and what they might be worth?
Ebay has quite a few of them for sale - they seem inexpensive ($10 - 25)
and are anywhere from the early 1900s to 1940.
I have pictures on bodom sey copy right by Moris&Bendien Inc.NY
have sireal no. 5709 ander pitures say 'CODEY'S FASHIONS 1859, dO YOU KNOWE ANYTHING ABOUT OR IS WORTH ANYTHING mARYAM
I have a print with the signature c. greere or c, 34-44 1 dated 11/15/44 or 45 B45-C30 It is a bowl of flowers on a tabletop. Can anyone give me some info about it.