Sun 11 Apr, 2010 09:20 pm
I got a BlackBerry recently. I've always taken pictures with any phone I've had, and I have already taken a bunch with this one. At first, when I used the USB cable to hook it to my computer and manipulate the photos, it was no problem. all of a sudden though, one day I hooked it up to my computer and clicked on the H (the one that had been the BalckBerry before) drive, but now the thing says "please insert a disk into drive", like there's nothing there.
I know the computer has 'recognized' that there is something in the USB port, because when I plug it in, there's a little message that says "hardware recognized", or something.
Why can't I access my blackberry through my computer, when I was doing it just fine before?
Snood, I don't have a blackberry, but I've seen star wars.
don't you have to be clear of the planetary gravitational field before engaging the H-drive?
I'm sure that's the way it worked...
good luck, and watch out for asteroids.
Quote:good luck, and watch out for asteroids.
You mean haemorrhoids

people always confuse those two...
The H drive is between the G and I drives.
Just to check, disconnect the phone from the computer and see what drives are available. Then plug it back in and check again. Sometimes my computer reserves a drive letter for the port on my printer, so if the printer is on, the letters shift upward. Your phone might not be drive I or G.
Since you are getting a "hardware recognized" prompt, it's probably not a bad port on either the computer or the phone. Just to confirm that, if you have another computer available, plug the phone into that to see if it comes up. That would rule out the phone and cable as issues.
Thanks, guys. I found it. Had to go through the software cd that came with the phone, but eventually was able to get to my stored stuff. Didn't need to do that before... oh, well.