Well, well, well!
Hey, Set! I hold you responsible for this mess you put me in. How can I be courting the ladies now that they know that I'm getting old?
- CJ, your wishes go straight to my heart, which is too small to contain them all. I guess I need to replace it for an artichoke. That way, all my friends will have a place there..
- Tai Chi, t'as déjà une place reservée dans mon coeur.
- Miss Letty, beautiful, as always! Merci, mon amie!
- Djjd, I know a guy that Shakespears. Merci, my friend.
- Izzy, merci chérie, for your wishes!
- Walter, that's nicely said, your French is astounding! Vielen Dank, mein Freund!
I'm gonna breathe, will be back in a while...