Some aren't going to like this, but there's been way way way too much allowance given for American soldiers and what they do in combat. What they often do in combat is ordered, intimated, suggested by their senior officers.
As Dys said, "more light more light."
Well, there's little to no light. What light is shed tells those that follow in their steps that war criminals/murderers on the scale of a William Calley go unpunished, are pardoned, are allowed to take part in normal everyday American society.
When there's no accountability how can it lead anywhere else?
Quote:Many others were outraged not at Calley's guilty verdict, but that he was the only one within the chain of command who was convicted. At the Winter Soldier Investigation in Detroit organized by Vietnam Veterans Against the War January 31-February 2, 1971, veterans including 1st Lt. William Crandell of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division expressed their outrage:[7]
"We intend to tell who it was that gave us those orders; that created that policy; that set that standard of war bordering on full and final genocide. We intend to demonstrate that My Lai was no unusual occurrence, other than, perhaps, the number of victims killed all in one place, all at one time, all by one platoon of us. We intend to show that the policies of Americal Division which inevitably resulted in My Lai were the policies of other Army and Marine Divisions as well. We intend to show that war crimes in Vietnam did not start in March 1968, or in the village of Son My or with one Lt. William Calley. We intend to indict those really responsible for My Lai, for Vietnam, for attempted genocide."