If I'm not mistaken, Apache pilots and gunners are probably more experienced and higher ranked officers. What's the lowest rank for a person entrusted with this kind of equipment? I don't know. I know lots of army folks, and I have a friend who is about to go to flight school to get trained to fly the Apache. It's ultra competitive and he has an advanced engineering degree, two tours in Iraq, a few medals, and he still worried he was under-qualified.
This is my long way of saying that I'm not convinced that this was some 19yr old fresh from boot camp.
I fully admit, I am making many assumptions on this. Has anyone read anymore into if the soldiers involved have had their names revealed?
I do judge these men. I agree. We judge actions. Given the power over another person's life is the ultimate authority, and should only be granted to those who can demonstrate excellence in judgement. this video to me demonstrates that we are giving that authority to those who do not have that high standard of good judgement.
"Come on, just pick up the gun."
It makes my hair stand up.