@The Pentacle Queen,
In my capacity as a neoclassical armchair economist, I judge people by their revealed preference: I look at the things they try to get, and what they give up to get them. For example, if we had a detailed account of how you earn your money and how you spend it, that would paint a pretty accurate picture of what kind of person you are.
By contrast, I don't give much weight to what people
say they like. For example, if you were to examine which posts on A2K I "thumb up", you wouldn't learn much about the kind of person I am online. Most of my voting is "defensive". I vote posts up because they defend an unpopular viewpoint and have been voted down for it. I don't want the expression of these viewpoints chilled, so I try to counterbalance any appearance of community disapproval with up-votes. Looking at my voting on A2K, then, would say little about my A2K personality. As I said, judging people for what they
say they like is a bad idea. You need to look at the choices people make when they cost them something.