I'm confused re facebook, as I almost signed up once and as far as I know, didn't finish doing that, so I haven't walked through it all. I don't even get the settings Tsar posted - it seems terminology changes from category to category. The locked icon and the words after it seem to vary in meaning.
I can see one's photos going to and fro with the settings not sharply restrictive. Showing friends' photos sans their permission seems freaky to me, even if in the public avatars. I get that FB assumes the right, and may well be right about it, but ick. How the hell could Dadpad begin to guess his avatar photo might become part of an ad? He'd have to be pretty sophisticated walking in, and dadpad is one of our more savvy posters. And Tsar, also savvy, was clearly surprised, even freaked. Neither person expected this.
Thus I blame facebook.
I would like to join to possibly reconnect with some old friends, but fb gives me the willies. I don't think I'm smart enough to navigate the privacy settings.
Meantime, I keep getting notices from various real life and outer life (ha) friends that I am invited yet again to see their photos - not sure if that means I have to join.