boomerang wrote:And here I keep hearing that under the Obama administration that "they" are going
to take everyone's guns away and make even thinking about a gun against the law.
So what's up with all the new lax gun carrying stuff?
Everything I see seems to say that carrying a gun around is more a-okay than ever.
Obama hates gun ownership, and he blurted out an attack
against the 2nd Amendment when
HELLER was decided by USSC in June 2008.
(As I remember he said [approximately] "well then, we 'll see if we can
do something about the 2nd Amendment" implying revocation.)
So far, he has been distracted by other considerations,
and he knows from observation of recent history (1994) that,
the same as Social Security, the 2nd Amendment is
a 3rd rail
of politics; gotta be careful. All of his appointed federal judges,
predictably, are anti-gun, but as Roger has pointed out,
developments like this overthrow of a gun ban do not fall
within Obama 's jurisdiction. This was
beyond his reach.