BillRM wrote:
We need health care at any and all costs just to get Rush out of the country. That alone would be reason to spend a few trillions dollars and if Ann Coulter would just join him!
Love, it in any case, a drug addict able to spends tens of thousands of dollars on illegal obtained pain pills is threatening to leave the country if we dare to join the rest of the industrial world and have health care for everyone.
Who can said this man have no sense of humor.
The single best reason to pass health-care reform
"I'll just tell you this," Rush Limbaugh says. "If this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."
You hear that, guys? Health-care reform will not only cover 30 million Americans and reduce the deficit, but it'll also get rid of Rush Limbaugh! This is, like, the best bill ever!
Update: It seems that Limbaugh was saying he would leave the country to get medical care. Which is still rather hilarious, as the country he chose has a socialized health-care system.
Yeah...Ha, ha...let's hope all of those fat f*ck rich cats move to Costa Rica.
They're all capitalist Robber Barons anyway! Who needs them?
Interestingly enough, New Jersey is just now discovering that their public union benefit packages are in deep **** because all of the fat f*ck rich cats have been leaving their state.
Are you clowns so dim that you cannot fathom that people who work 10 to 12 hours a day (or more) to earn compensation that runs between $200,000 and $500,000 are not going to do so if they are taxed to the point that they make the same salary as someone who works no more that 7.5 hours a day?
Or, they will move somewhere that they they can keep making the sort of money that comes from working 12 hours, 6 days a week.
Since you have hung your socialist star on taxing these people, what will you do if they disappear?
The US is not, yet, the Soviet Union or Cuba, but in the former case the only way they were able to prevent a brain drain was to make emigration illegal, and in the later they weren't able to prevent it at all.
Do you really think that people making between $200K and $500K are going to work 50% to 60% harder than the people who demand a similar share of their wealth just so a bunch of clowns can pronounce America is fair?
Clearly Rush is far beyond this demographic, but so is Oprah, Danny Glover, Barbara Striesand and Sean Penn (to name but a few). Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Nancy Pelosi, and Barrack Obama aint hurting either.
Do you really think any of these people are prepared to give up the major share of their personal wealth to the State? If they were they would have done so by now...and they have not!
Heap scorn all over Rush, but at least he's not the sort of hypocrite the fools cited above are. Afterall, don't you Libs just hate hypocrisy? Maybe only when its manifested in the actions of someone with who you disagree politically. (Good Grief! That can't be because you are all such societal saints!)
There will come a tipping point.
Parasites that kill their hosts don't last long from an evolutionary standpoint.
People around the world have pulled up generational stakes and come to America for the very reason that here they can prosper by virtue of their own skills and sweat, whereas in the home country they cannot.
It is by no means beyond the realm of possibility that America may some day
send its best and brightest to another land where rewards are based on hard work and merit.
Hopefully, before that happens, States will secede and establish safe havens for those who appreciate that rewards come from hard work.
(OMG -I've revealed my seditious thoughts! I think I better move to Costa Rico next week.)